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Area for users to trade and sell used equipment?

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How about an area designated for the users to post used equipment for sale or trade. Stuff like headsets, and other equipment. I frequent a scubaboard called spearboard.com and there is an area to trade and sell pre owned stuff.



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There is currently a place for that called the " VIP marketplace". I started the thread for those VIP members who are looking to sell their helicopters wears.


To be a VIP member you'll need to make a donation to the site as directed by the home page.


we as VIP members have discussed the issue of an open market place and decided that those who support this site will have the oppertunity to sell their wears.


This site as mentioned by many new people, Is that of valueable information portal, provided by those on this site and has provided more than expected in most cases.


a simple donation of $20 will get you the VIP status, these funds help provide the funds needed to keep the ISP/bandwidth charges needed to keep this information hiway open to the current members & new people looking for the knowledge of the experienced people of this site.


thanks for your donation.

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