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F/W Instrument Ground School

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Could someone out there help me out in regards to taking the Instrument Written. I was looking at attending the local JC Instrument class later this year, but its geared towards the F/W side of the house. How different is this going to be over one tailored for R/W? There is also a local F/W company that is offering an Instrument class for the ground portion as well for a decent price as well. Any ideas if these would be worth looking into or should I stick with a helo school for the ground/written portion?


Reading books is ok, watching videos is ok, but I need those and a human to help stick it into my thick skull. Was trying to keep the costs down by looking at alternatives.


PS, Goldy got me looking into this, so I wanted to say thanks to him on this one!

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PS, Goldy got me looking into this, so I wanted to say thanks to him on this one!



OK, then, that gives me the right to an opinion !!! Take the class, get the written out of the way, almost free its so cheap at the local colleges. Then work on some instrument time....preferable in an R 44 !! ( sorry, had to throw that in). Doesnt matter if its geared to FW or rotary, instruments all look the same!


I'm just bummed my class was cancelled, guess I'll do it next semester..

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Thanks for your input Goldy. Here at the local JC, I have to sign up for (2) classes. The Classroom portion, and then a Lab where you do some flying. I may contact the instructor and see if I can just do the classroom portion for my written. I didn't want to wait until Fall todo the class is the other downside.


PS, Your opinion always counts Goldy! HAI/Bristow doesn't have any R44 up here, so I will be doing stick time in the Cbi if I go this direction.

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I bought the prepware on the cd and took the test over and over for a few days. It is pretty boring but not as boring as reading that book. The morning that you are going to go take the written, get up, take the test a couple times to build up your confidence, then go hammer it out and never look back. If you are going to get your CFII than I would highly suggest taking that test the same day. It's the same questions from the same book. I didn't think I wanted to get my II but then decided to because everywhere I looked everybody was looking for II's. So I had to re-study for it again. I was kicking myself in the butt for that slick move. Anywho. good luck.

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