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Had a great flight today...


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Well I'm back folks. What a great flight. I mentioned in another post about opening up a flight plan in the air that I was going solo. That wasn't correct, I went with a friend of mine, the solo part just came out because I wasn't with an instructor.


First a bit of background, the guy I went up with is who got me to fly in the first place, a childhood friend that went into the Army and learned to fly there. He has been flying for a handfull of years now and currently flies Blackhawks... He is being transferred out to Hawaii so we just had to go fly together since we have always dreamed about flying since we were kids.


This was my first flight that I flew with a passenger that was not an instructor. A bit different and it made me a bit nervous. I've flow solo - only about 12 hours - but it's different when someone else's life is totally in your hands. And I was even a little more nervous just because it a friend of about 25 years, someone I know that knows how to fly, and just plain nervous being in new airspace that I had not trained with me making all the decisions. It was all very cool at the same time.


I also did a first for me. Opened up a flight plan in the air by contacting a FSS. I know that isn't really a big deal for some but I fly within the ADIZ so I've always had to activate my flight plans on the ground by phone and when flying outside the ADIZ I have never done flight plans. I figured though that since I was flying in unfamiliar territory, in an unfamiliar bird, with me being the only person that can control the aircraft, it would be wise for me to file a flight plan. Wasn't a big deal, just had to climb to about 2500 feet.


All in all the flight was awesome, we went out to the Potomac river and followed that a bit, didn't do real low level flying. I like the saying, fly like an old lady, live to be an old lady, but we did have some fun. It was very different for my friend he said. For one he has never flown piston, so a whole slew of things were different.


I'm glad I got to fly with him, the bird performed very well for him being 210, me 185, and the temp being 96 degrees Fahrenheit. I wish we could have gone more but for one we were getting low on gas, the whole W&B thing, and it's expensive just to joy ride.


Hope everyone else had a good day....

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Sounds great! I'm looking forward to flying with my friends as well...although, like you, it scares me a little to know that with me at the controls, 2 lives (or more) are in my hands. That's not a responsibility that I will take lightly. I guess when you think about it, there is a similar situation when they ride in my car, although I think that when they ride in a helo with me they won't be bugging me to step on the gas.

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