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WOCS 2011

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Hello all. I'm fairly new to this forum but everyone seems really supportive and friendly on here, so I will just fire away with my questions. I am a WOFT select and I will be leaving in May for the June WOCS class. I am prior AF and have been a civilian since '05. Since they did away with the Warrior Transition Course, they are sending me straight to Rucker, which I am a little nervous about having no Army foundation. Most candidates will be already in the Army or coming straight from Army basic. I feel like I will be pretty clueless and get eatin alive (even moreso!!) I'm extremely excited about all of my upcoming challenges, but was just wondering if somebody has any input about me going straight from the "streets" directly to WOCS? I've also been trying to find as much info on how to prepare and what to expect at WOCS? I have probably read every thread about it available on the internet, but it would be great to be able to communicate and ask my own questions. Sorry about such a long post!! I appreciate any feedback and thanks to everyone that keeps up with this forum!!


Oh, and hope everyone has a Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by kimber12x
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Hello all. I'm fairly new to this forum but everyone seems really supportive and friendly on here, so I will just fire away with my questions. I am a WOFT select and I will be leaving in May for the June WOCS class. I am prior AF and have been a civilian since '05. Since they did away with the Warrior Transition Course, they are sending me straight to Rucker, which I am a little nervous about having no Army foundation. Most candidates will be already in the Army or coming straight from Army basic. I feel like I will be pretty clueless and get eatin alive (even moreso!!) I'm extremely excited about all of my upcoming challenges, but was just wondering if somebody has any input about me going straight from the "streets" directly to WOCS? I've also been trying to find as much info on how to prepare and what to expect at WOCS? I have probably read every thread about it available on the internet, but it would be great to be able to communicate and ask my own questions. Sorry about such a long post!! I appreciate any feedback and thanks to everyone that keeps up with this forum!!


Oh, and hope everyone has a Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A friend in my WOC class was in your shoes. He said the same thing you are right now during the critique at the end of the course as far as having no army training. He was fine, you should have no problem. He did do his homework and asked a lot of questions, just learn the basics. Any specific questions let me know. (Shoot me your email)

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Kimber, I haven't been through WOCS but as a standard for Army training:


1.) Keep your mouth shut. Eye's and Ears open. Ask questions if you don't know answer.


2.) You are will need to read/research AR 670-1 (Wear and appearance of Army Uniform)


3.) Keep your room according to WOCS SOP (Standard Operating Procedure)


4.) Go over step 1 again.


5.) Don't be that guy/girl that needs to be seen/heard by everyone. So basically Step 1 again.


6.) Attach yourself to a prior enlisted guy/gal who knows the ropes. They should be able to guide you along. (Probably be your class leader anyway) They should be able to help you, if they don't help, find someone who will. The guy/gal who doesn't won't be there for much longer.


If you have any questions about Army stuff (preferably not WOFT or WOCS as I am going through putting my packet together/getting in shape as well), PM me. I just got out in Oct. after 8 years and finally decided it's time to do a now or never in something I've always wanted to do with flying.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kimber, I haven't been through WOCS but as a standard for Army training:


1.) Keep your mouth shut. Eye's and Ears open. Ask questions if you don't know answer.


2.) You are will need to read/research AR 670-1 (Wear and appearance of Army Uniform)


3.) Keep your room according to WOCS SOP (Standard Operating Procedure)


4.) Go over step 1 again.


5.) Don't be that guy/girl that needs to be seen/heard by everyone. So basically Step 1 again.


6.) Attach yourself to a prior enlisted guy/gal who knows the ropes. They should be able to guide you along. (Probably be your class leader anyway) They should be able to help you, if they don't help, find someone who will. The guy/gal who doesn't won't be there for much longer.


If you have any questions about Army stuff (preferably not WOFT or WOCS as I am going through putting my packet together/getting in shape as well), PM me. I just got out in Oct. after 8 years and finally decided it's time to do a now or never in something I've always wanted to do with flying.


Thanks for the advice! I'm looking very forward to the challenge. Good luck with your WOFT application and don't hesitate if you have any questions about it!

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