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Master CFI-H


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So, I received an FAA FAAST team blast as many of you did about the new Master CFI-H Program. While I welcome any comments about this program, I'm curious how does an individual create something on their own, and then get the FAA to endorse it?


I always thought it was the FAA that made the laws surrounding certifying CFI's. ( OK, that one is a stretch, but I'm curious about the FAA endorsement).



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I received the same. While I'll claim that I haven't fully researched this, it sounds something similar to the process/background for the CFI issued gold card, but through and industry accredited association (if HAI was on the ball, they could have partnered on this, something more that 1 CFI of the year award)). I'm pretty happy that there will be some type of recognition for really committed CFIs. Maybe I'll get a better understanding in a bit. Or, given this kind crowd, I'm sure some others will gratuitously spank it in to me.



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Come on folks, read CFR Part 61. There is no "master CFI rating" issued or endorsed by the FAA. This is America, anyone can start a organization and issue whatever certificate they want. You can call yourself a "Doctor" if you want, just don't cut into someone!

Don't assume that everything you read is gospel.

Be "self-sufficent", what I mean is research this stuff yourself.

Don't rely on others interpretations.


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Who are you addressing? If it was in regards to my comments, I was merely stating that an industry accredited association was is setting up recognition; maybe I wasn't clear, but they will not have direct association with the FAA or FAA certification standards - I was just going off of the planker Master CFI that I was more familiar with & I didn't exactly expect them to stray too far from that template. What they will have is their own standards and recognition for (their) Master CFI-H, and I appreciate some organization is further recognizing the fact.


It's been an interesting history between the Hills, NAFI and some of the upper level members from a bit back.


Thanks for the input and spanking, tho.



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Wild14 is correct that Part 61 does not address a "Master CFI". What is does address is the CFI renewal. Those meeting Master CFI program eligibility requirements, upon receiving certification from the programs "internal" audit, are eligible for a CFI renewal with no further testing. The FAA endorses this program fully through FIRC approval unlike any other within industry. The reason is simply the program requires extensive continuing education and participation from the recipient. In addition, the designation expires every two years unlike the FAA Gold Seal.


The cost of the program is very similar to any other FIRC. As for HAI's participation as arotrhd mentioned...this will be a topic at the Flight Training Committee meeting at Heliexpo this year. We'll see if there is some level of synergy between the two organizations.


The MCFI program is not for everyone. IMHO, as an educator flight I feel the program offers a challenge to maintain my own training and participation within industry. In addition, I have used the requirements of this program to get my leadership to pay for the additional training and my Heliexpo trip simply because they like me to maintain the title. Sometimes there more than Part 61 requirements to meet and the bean counters may agree.




Randy Rowles

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Randy, thanks for your thoughts as I know you have been thru the program. Generally speaking anything that causes one of us to work harder, be smarter and make better decisions I am all for.


Back to the heart of my question though....how does the FAA endorse a private program? I know I can create a GCCFI program (Goldy's Certified CFI) but I would not expect a governmental agency to come along and advertise it for me.


The FAAST team endorsement is what peaked my curiosity...I think maybe Wild 14 missed that part.

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