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thanks all!

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Hah I had to wait only 20 days and that was horrible for me and the recuiters! Horrible for them cause I am a persistant person. Then again they couldent get away with slacking off because I was extremely proactive.


Should swear in tomorrow hopefully. I should find out my school dates also. Can't wait for WOCS = basic on steriods!

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Well done, lad. Looks like there's a new crew of forumites and lurkers heading to Rucker at... well, some time this year. The ship dates are all over the map for people accepted on 04 April.

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'Ya lucky dog - I got saddled with a five-month DEP until basic after an unfortunate paperwork snafu on Thursday. You'll definitely be an upperclassman-type by the time I step foot through the doors.


Looking forward to it regardless, though. Hope you knock 'em dead!

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