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Recommend Books?


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I'm going out of town for two weeks and am looking for some good helicopter reading material for the 15 hour plane ride.

Can you guys recommend some good, educational reading? Specifically things that a student in flight school might be reading?

I'd like to start learning about all the terminology, mechanics, physics, etc...



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Rotorcraft Flying Handbook, Private Pilot Oral Exam Guide and the PTS...... honestly.


If you were looking to actually stay awake, Cyclic and Collective if you can get your hands on it

Careful on the Rotorcraft Flying Handbook as it is now obsolete for helicopter pilots. It was superseded by the Helicopter Flying Handbook in December 2012.


+1 to the Private Oral Exam Guide and the Helicopter Oral Exam Guide that supplements it.


The Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge is a necessary publication and covers all of the general material such as airspace, instrumentation, human factors, weather, airports, etc.


From what I understand, the newest Jeppesen Private Pilot book is very good also. Large hardcover.

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The above mentioned books are available free on-line, if you are a hard copy type you can find them on Amazon pretty cheep.


Another one that was recommended to me is the 2013 Private Pilot Test prep. I recommend using it as a guide but still learn the material from the other books. Don't just memorize the test questions. Also, don't skip the fixed wing stuff, a lot of it applies too and is test able. My copy cost under $12 through amazon.


You could pick up a sectional to get used to reading it, or find someone that will give you an expired one. I have an old Tennessee sectional a friend let me use, it has helped me understand and attempt to apply the lessons that cover it.

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The above mentioned books are available free on-line, if you are a hard copy type you can find them on Amazon pretty cheep.


Another one that was recommended to me is the 2013 Private Pilot Test prep. I recommend using it as a guide but still learn the material from the other books. Don't just memorize the test questions. Also, don't skip the fixed wing stuff, a lot of it applies too and is test able. My copy cost under $12 through amazon.


You could pick up a sectional to get used to reading it, or find someone that will give you an expired one. I have an old Tennessee sectional a friend let me use, it has helped me understand and attempt to apply the lessons that cover it.


True. Should have mentioned that. Work great on an iPad and such.

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I'm seeing two publishing dates for the Cyclic and Collective book (2007 and 2009). Anyone know the reason for this; error or significant update of some sorts? Seems really close together.


Edit: Nevermind, looks like there are 3 printings, 2002, 2007, 2009. I guess it would be difficult to figure out the differences, the prices are all over the place.

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