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working in Canada

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Our company is looking at possibly doing some remote sensing work in Canada. We are based in the US.


What are the procedures for a US operator doing business in Canada? I have never flown internationally either so any advice on how the boarder crossing flights go would be appreciated as well!



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Hi Fleman202,


Under NAFTA you can operate a N reg US helicopter in Canada. If it's N reg you don't need a Transport Canada commercial license. However you will need a work permit or visa for a US citizen to legally work in Canada. I would contact the Canada Border and Protection Agency to find out what's involved to get a work permit. Unfortunately it's not easy, and if you are on a tight timeframe you may have to hire someone who is all ready legal to work in Canada but has the FAA commercial helicopter rating to fly your US helicopter in Canada.


Crossing the border has a bunch of hoops to jump through. Check out the AOPA website they have a good write up on all the requirements. You will need to set up an EAPIS account beforehand, and contact the appropriate border crossing and make a plan at least an hour ahead of intended landing time. Do not forget to open your international flight plan! Once you are in Canada be aware of the similar but different aviation regulations. For example VFR wx regs are different, radio procedures are different, and you must be on a Nav Canada flight plan, or flight itinerary filed with trained responsible person.


Good luck, contact me if you need help figuring it all out. The work permit is the trickiest and not much I can do to help you there.



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