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Paying for flight physical tests

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So I am a civilian WOFT applicant, during part 2 of my flight physical the EKG gave off some weird readings (doc said it was because I am tall and skinny) so he ordered that I get an echocardiogram to confirm that suspicion (and to appease Ft Rucker) Unfortunatly the base near me did not have the facilities to support the test. So I was referred to the civilian hospital in my town to get it done. The doc said the Army would pay for it since he ordered it, however once we got into the scheduling process my recruiter called around to figure out more and I believe he was told that my insurance would have to cover it. Unfortunately my deductible for imaging is 750$ so I will have to pay however much it is under that out of pocket. Luckilly I have some saved away to do so, however I was wondering if anyone else has had any experience with a situation like this. Would there be anyone I could call to talk about this with? Already had the tests done and I will pay whatever the cost is because I view it as a small price to pay to achieve my dream of becoming an aviator. Just wanted to bring the topic up to you guys!

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I had something similar but it was for my eyes. I had to pay out of pocket to have them dilated and all that good stuff. The flight physical facility I was scheduling at wouldnt proceed forward until I had that done on my own dime and the evaluation was faxed to them by the doctor.

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