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PROFESSIONAL HELICOPTER PILOTS - Can you help me by doing two things?

1. Take our ANONYMOUS & confidential salary survey - http://salarysurvey.rotorcraftpro.com

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Have you taken the 2017-2018 #Pilot & Manager Salary Survey yet? The short, CONFIDENTIAL survey will take only five minutes and covers 4 areas: Demographics, Pay, Benefits, and Job Satisfaction. TAKE SURVEY NOW - http://salarysurvey.rotorcraftpro.com


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Huh, no one ever wants "your amateur experience"!


,...guess its for the best, I'm only worth about tree fiddy anyway. :D





On the survey for question about how many paid vaction/sick leave are you given, there was no option for zero, only 1-5 days. Also the lowest salary was 40K but maybe that's intentional (not considered professional pilot until you make that much. I currently get about 15K before taxes a year.


No wonder all the articles say the average helicopter salary is 65K, because no on counts all us low timers jobs while we "pay our dues". 😔

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