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Patrol Altitude


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  • 2 weeks later...

Daytime - depending on the task - using tailwinds to get to the scene of action even up to 3.000 ft - or strong winds on the nose down to 100 ft to get there.

On the scene - what it requires - normal search around 300 ft - but to identify objects - treetoplevel - or even land and have a view.

Nighttime - different story

enroute normaly 1.000 ft ground - which makes sense with all the big powerlines and buildings around. On the scene after checking out the wires around 800 feet with the Bo 105, around 600 ft with the BK 117 for FLIR-operations.

But when light, weather and obstacles permit - even outside landings


Greetings "Flying Bull"

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Our piece of string goes from 300ft AGL to 6000ft on the QNH depending on the tasking. Sometimes low and loud to make a point, but higher and higher for photos and surveillance. In general for 'normal' tasking we tend to work around the 700-1000ft level.


With EGKK and EGLL nearby we can find ourselves in some pretty busy airspace so tend to negotiate with ATC. EC135



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