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Aerial Marijuana Eradication

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My local S.O.'s pilot has been deployed to Iraq and they have asked me to fly eradication patrol with an observer.  I'd appreciate any comments from those who have performed these missions - spotting tips and techniques (initial altitudes, what to observe for, color/texture at altitude, etc.).  We fly rural Central Kentucky farmland with woodland interspersed, lots of creeks, ponds, rolling hills, very green countryside.  A favorite of the cultivators is to plant between roll bales of stray/hay lined up on a fence line or in the middle of a field.  I've been told the plants have a unique green that stands out against the other foilage - I'd love to see a photo.  Any mission specifc piloting techniques appreciated also.
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My local S.O.'s pilot has been deployed to Iraq and they have asked me to fly eradication patrol with an observer.  I'd appreciate any comments from those who have performed these missions - spotting tips and techniques (initial altitudes, what to observe for, color/texture at altitude, etc.).  We fly rural Central Kentucky farmland with woodland interspersed, lots of creeks, ponds, rolling hills, very green countryside.  A favorite of the cultivators is to plant between roll bales of stray/hay lined up on a fence line or in the middle of a field.  I've been told the plants have a unique green that stands out against the other foilage - I'd love to see a photo.  Any mission specifc piloting techniques appreciated also.



Big business in KY !!



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The easiest thing to do is look for all the hippie growers.  Those tye-dye shirts are easy to spot from altitude.....just follow 'em.  hahahah


Another thing to look for is a "peg-board" like pattern in corn fields.  It looks like someone drilled a bunch of holes in the field.


Good luck and be careful.....you don't want to get shot at like here in Missouri with all the meth chef's.

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klas - thanks for the link.  I had googled and read that earlier on my search.  Pot is the #1 cash crop in KY.  That's impressive when you consider that KY is the second largest grower of tobacco in the country - and that's a LOT of tobacco.  A century ago, it was grown here (as hemp) to supply rope to the military.   It's a bit more potent these days.


mdash - I sent you a PM.  Thanks for the offering help. (I sent two, I forgot to incl. my e-mail in the first).


delorean - The eastern 1/3 of the state is Daniel Boone National Forest in the foothills of the Appalachian's.  That's some dangerous airwork, but not as bad as on the ground.  Many a law enforcement officer has been shot at or injured by boobie traps.  Serious business down there.  In my neck of the woods, the growers are a bit more civilized.  They just hide or run.

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On the serious side:

Watch for the spider web wires (homestrung type) if doing low level ops or landing in the spots that appear just big enough to land in - many times they are the typical obvious place to land for a reason; they are set up as venus fly traps, if you get my drift. DO A LOT OF RESEARCH. Do very diligent recons and wear some armor. Bring lots of friend who have guns, especially large caliber automatic types. A lot of them hippy types are phantom NRA members - they don't pay the dues or show the sticker, but they like to shoot at things that fly too.


Eradication thoughts:

Chemicals and herbicide are great, but could you imagine using ping pong balls to light it up (all puns intended...hehehe). Talk about a trippy mission. Some guys would pay LOT for that opportunity.


BUT, the PIC might have some explaining to do after the drug test. I can just think of some of the responses pilots could use and I'm sure they would only get more creative with participating such "operations'.


Sorry, it's that time of day for me and had to share some laughs.




...and other tall weeds

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