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Well it's a cold and rainy day in Indiana, no flying to be done, so I was on Eurocopter USA web site (www.eurocopterusa.com) looking thru the spec sheets and daydreaming when I noticed that the main rotors on the EC-135 and 145 appear to turn counter clockwise, and turn clockwise on their other models.


My question do any of you know if this is so? and if so why? Just seems odd to me that one manufacture would have two different rotations.


If you haven't been to their website, check it out, all sorts of cool stuff




Fly Safe

Clark B)

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If it was built in Europe it turns clockwise. If it was built in the US, it turns counter-clockwise. Why? Don't know, doesn't make any difference to the helicopter. There are lots of stories about why the French designers went clockwise, but I don't know if any are true.


Up until very recently no Eurocopters were manufactured in the US. Grand Prarie was just a completion center, most were shipped here just about assembled and finished in Texas. The rotor design has to do with the lineage, ie. if it was French it spins "backwards", and if it is of German decent, it spins the right way. That's how it was explained to me.

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