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Motivation & Location

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What are a few of the motivations for those who are either entering a career in helicopter piloting or continued helicopter pilots?


And what are some of the most desired locations as a helicopter pilot in the US?



(i know everyone has their own personal favorites but i thought it would be cool to hear a few from other people)



as for me:


Motivation: "When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."

Leonardo da Vinci


Location: On the beaches of SoCal or the beaches of Florida. I pretty much feel drawn to the water i guess. However the feeling of flying over the mountains of colorado is tempting and would be fun! But i guess the bottom line for those who really love flying is....If your flying; then your happy. Anything else is just a bonus. :)

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motivation is because it's so fun...

best place... pacific northwest... helicopter heaven... West in general!! no better place to live... unless you're making bank flying execs in the big city West has everything covered... OK, except big cities when you're on the job.

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Motivation: Have always dreamed and desired to fly helicopters...


Location: I'm happy right here in sunny South Florida...you got the keys, the beach, the bay...and lots of flat terrain. (no offense I'm sure mountains would be beautiful to fly...as long as you can see them) ...also it's nice to be at sea-level when doing calculations... :D

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Like the song says "Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly". No feathers or scales, but...

I've had other work, and made more money. It costs me more not to fly than it does to do so.



I'm based 3 miles outside my wife's hometown, family, and roots. I appreciate that.


Edited by Wally
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Motivation: After 38 years in the game, the motivation is now to put aside enough money to retire gracefully.


Location: 200 yards from the hangar, walk to work, no traffic. ;)



Hey Wally, if I joined a month before you, how come I am number 793 and you are number 89??

Edited by Eric Hunt
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Motivation: After 38 years in the game, the motivation is now to put aside enough money to retire gracefully.


Location: 200 yards from the hangar, walk to work, no traffic. ;)

Hey Wally, if I joined a month before you, how come I am number 793 and you are number 89??



Yea, that's weird!!

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