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Information DVD

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I have been asked to develop a marketing DVD for my flight school, so I am trying to find some direction. If you requested information from a school, and received a mini-DVD in the mail (~25 minutes can fit), what would you want to see featured in the video?


Some suggestions I have gotten:


Virtual tour of the school's facilities

Introduction to the school's staff

Overview of maintenance

Maneuvers demonstration

Views of the local landscape and wildlife

What to expect on your intro ride/first flight lesson


Make some suggestions please! I need to find the direction the video will go in so I can create a list of shots and figure approximate flight time required.


Thanks guys and gals!!!

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The steps to a career in aviation - student, PPL, CPL, CFI perhaps

Mention that theory learning is necessary, show that you can teach it

Why your school is different from the competition

Links to your website (Don't have one? You are behind the competition already.)

Emphasis on "call us now on .... to talk about your future!

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There is nothing that keeps me more motivated than seeing cockpit video of the kinds of birds I'll be flying. A lot of people know what helicopters do, and have seem them from the outside, but very few have seen what it looks like from the inside. I think that video clips of what they may see in their first lessons, especially hovering, from the cockpit would be really effective. If you have that much time to fill, I'd probably throw in video clips of a really well done auto, with an explanation, to soothe some fears some people may have of loosing the engine.


Just be careful not to bore them. Twenty-five minutes may be too much if you can't get a lot of good action shots. You DON'T want to answer all of their questions. You want to make them come up with more, so they have a reason to call you.


Be careful, also, to not make it seem like you're only interested in those trying to start an aviation career (unless that really is what you're trying to specialize in).


It's a good idea to end with a call to action, preferably to do something they might find fun... like taking an intro flight or getting to look at your aircraft.

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The entire 25 minutes will be split between airplane instruction, helicopter instruction, and airplane/helicopter charter. It will probably be closer to 10 minutes for airplane and helicopter, and another 5 for charters. I know I wouldn't want to sit through a 25 minute video, but I should have mentioned that in the beginning.


Thanks for your suggestions. Please keep 'em coming!


Just be careful not to bore them. Twenty-five minutes may be too much if you can't get a lot of good action shots. You DON'T want to answer all of their questions. You want to make them come up with more, so they have a reason to call you.
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Someone already mentioned 'helicopters' at work.


Maybe prospectives need a glimpse into what kinda jobs they are going for... where in aviation can they end up, what they might be flying.


I could imagine it now. Voiceover saying something like, "Whatever your interests, becoming a pilot is the first step to exciting opportunities. Contact us now to find out more about your route to the world of aviation!" At the same time, a short movie series of the coolest that aviation has to offer is playing in the background as the credits roll out.



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I helped develop a recruiting video for my National Guard Unit (AH-64s and UH-60s). I gathered a number of different motivational videos to develop the shots for the video. We had a ton of footage but it took us 4 days of flying (multiship with chase bird) to gather all the shots. Also, you will need to find someone who is good at taking quality video (to include good equipment) to get the biggest bang for your buck. We also interviewed pilots in the unit (you could use CFIs and current students) to round out the overall impression of the aviation unit. You will want to motivate your prospecitve students to plunk their hard earned dollars in your program. Keep it dynamic and entertaining to keep their attention. Sounds like there are some real good suggestions from the other folks on this thread. Good luck.

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