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Abuse of Intro Flights

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I can't quit thinking about helicopters. Seriously. I think about flying all day. When I'm not working, I'm either flying helicopters on the computer, watching R22/R44 videos on YouTube, or reading forums like these. I even have dreams about flying helicopters. It's starting to get ridiculous.


I took a job that requires being on the road about 25 days/month but it pays well (for a 21 year old with no kids). Things will slow down in Fall, and I hope to start lessons then (from 0 hours to commercial if I'm able to secure a loan). I'm excited about that, but it doesn't do much for me now.


There are no flight schools near where I live in the Great Plains, so I'm going to have to travel to train. That makes just about any flight school a possibility, but I have two in particular that I will probably choose between (both in Houston). At the moment, my work has carried my far from Texas.


I'm really itching to go up for an hour or so and get a little stick time (of which I have none). There is a flight school near where I'm working this week that offers one-hour intro flights.


My question is this: Would it be wrong of me to take an intro flight at a school that I don't plan on taking extensive training at? It would be my first time up in a helicopter since I was eight years old and the first time at the controls.



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I can't quit thinking about helicopters. Seriously. I think about flying all day. When I'm not working, I'm either flying helicopters on the computer, watching R22/R44 videos on YouTube, or reading forums like these. I even have dreams about flying helicopters. It's starting to get ridiculous.


I took a job that requires being on the road about 25 days/month but it pays well (for a 21 year old with no kids). Things will slow down in Fall, and I hope to start lessons then (from 0 hours to commercial if I'm able to secure a loan). I'm excited about that, but it doesn't do much for me now.


There are no flight schools near where I live in the Great Plains, so I'm going to have to travel to train. That makes just about any flight school a possibility, but I have two in particular that I will probably choose between (both in Houston). At the moment, my work has carried my far from Texas.


I'm really itching to go up for an hour or so and get a little stick time (of which I have none). There is a flight school near where I'm working this week that offers one-hour intro flights.


My question is this: Would it be wrong of me to take an intro flight at a school that I don't plan on taking extensive training at? It would be my first time up in a helicopter since I was eight years old and the first time at the controls.




It's their best chance to sell you. Do it with a clear conscience.

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The TIF (Trial Instructional Flight or Training Introductory Flight) works both ways.


It is the school's opportunity to recruit a new student, and it is the student's chance to see how the school runs - do you get a proper briefing on what to expect and how to do it? Did they send you with a certified instructor, or was it a zero-time pilot doing the job illegally to get some time up? Did they give proper instruction in the air and give you some suitable hands-on? Did they inspire you with a taste of what could be your future?


I always told students to try every school in the area, and choose the one which suited them best.

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The TIF (Trial Instructional Flight or Training Introductory Flight) works both ways.


It is the school's opportunity to recruit a new student, and it is the student's chance to see how the school runs - do you get a proper briefing on what to expect and how to do it? Did they send you with a certified instructor, or was it a zero-time pilot doing the job illegally to get some time up? Did they give proper instruction in the air and give you some suitable hands-on? Did they inspire you with a taste of what could be your future?


I always told students to try every school in the area, and choose the one which suited them best.


I agree. Intro flights are first dates. You try out the school, the instructors, and the choppers. Learn about what you like and don't like. No obligations and no hurt feelings. Besides, most intro flights are not heavily discounted. And you never know...my intro flight at the school I thought I was going to do all my training at was a bust, and the flight at the school I just happened on introduced me to a pilot that really impressed me and directed me to the school I'm attending.


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Thank you all for the replies!


The flight school I might take an intro lesson at charges under $200 for some ground instruction before and after the flight and an hour in either an R22 or a Schweizer. To me that seems pretty discounted. Based on your replies, however, I'll take them up on the intro flight offer. I have no intention of taking any further instruction there, but maybe they'll impress me so much that I end up there anyways! Extremely unlikely, but not impossible.


Thanks for the responses, I really appreciate the time! Feel free to continue the discussion.

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I can't quit thinking about helicopters. Seriously. I think about flying all day. When I'm not working, I'm either flying helicopters on the computer, watching R22/R44 videos on YouTube, or reading forums like these. I even have dreams about flying helicopters. It's starting to get ridiculous.


I took a job that requires being on the road about 25 days/month but it pays well (for a 21 year old with no kids). Things will slow down in Fall, and I hope to start lessons then (from 0 hours to commercial if I'm able to secure a loan). I'm excited about that, but it doesn't do much for me now.


There are no flight schools near where I live in the Great Plains, so I'm going to have to travel to train. That makes just about any flight school a possibility, but I have two in particular that I will probably choose between (both in Houston). At the moment, my work has carried my far from Texas.


I'm really itching to go up for an hour or so and get a little stick time (of which I have none). There is a flight school near where I'm working this week that offers one-hour intro flights.


My question is this: Would it be wrong of me to take an intro flight at a school that I don't plan on taking extensive training at? It would be my first time up in a helicopter since I was eight years old and the first time at the controls.



Are you paying for these? If so, $99.00 for a 1/2 hour flight easily covers their costs in most cases. pay the money; enjoy the ride.

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Boy, do I know just how you feel!! Unfortunately, though, I have no hope of starting lessons anytime soon, as I will never qualify for a loan, and have yet to find an alternate way to get the money. I have not given up on my dream, though, and it's driving me crazy! Every day as I drive to work, I keep looking up at the sky, wishing I could be up there. Every time a helicopter flies over, I watch it until it is out of sight. I bought one of the books they use at the school I plan to attend, but I know it will mostly seem like Greek until I can apply what I learn. I have taken a demo flight, and I loved it - I want to take another one, but have not had the $100 it costs. Surfing these forums is as close as I can get right now. Good luck with your lessons - enjoy them for me! I will be up there with you as soon as I can!!

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