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Just need some help picking a flight school

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Has anyone heard of or trained with 'Rodney Barnett' he opened a flight school at Rockwood Airport TN. tennesseeflightraining.com. his main website is helicopterflight.net He offers dual training package for .....


Many variables can be applied to this program as suits any particular student. The path I recommend is outlined below however the costs can be trimmed further by delaying instrument ratings which could be added on later as well as the double-I rating. The CFI helicopter is a key to a career as a helicopter pilot since without it, there will be little opportunity for the pilot to build time. The instrument ratings will be a necessity at some point in every pilot's career. The commercial Airplane could also be delayed until needed or until a better opportunity arises.


Helicopter Private Pilot Rating $15,390

Airplane PPL Add-on w/Instrument Rating $11,410

Helicopter Instrument Rating Add-on $4,448

Commercial Helicopter Rating $5,560

Certified Flight Instructor Helicopter $5,560

CFII Helicopter $1,390

Commercial Airplane ASEL $2,500

Total $46,258

I just want to know what everyone thinks about this or if anyone knows him before investing a large amount in this.... Thanks


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I have talked to him a couple of times, but I don't know much. I would greatly appreciate you adding a review to this post if you decide to go there and check it out.


He is an Air Evac pilot. Air Evac

I did go there a few weeks ago . With the intent on going on intro flight .. He was on flight duty that weekend .. And had flights .. So we did get to talk for a while . He answered the questions me and the wife had. She took pictures of him taking off.. But like i said never hurts to find out all you can before you make that size of an investment...

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RotorRunner I met him a few weeks ago . I went there for intro but he was on flight status. at air evac we did get to tak for hour and a half .. So i was dissapointed about not getting to go up. But i understood.. Just wanting too see if anyone has trained with him. Or can offer suggestions on other schools offering the dual ratings at the same price range....

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DSC00066.jpg">I guess i didnt post the reply correctly .. But yes i met rondney at his work he was working the weekend i was in knoxville . We did talk for over anhor he seemed straight forword and a no bs kinda guy ... My wife took several pics of him leaving on a call. I was a little disappointed that i didn't get to do the into flight ... I was just wanting to see if anyone here knew him or trained with him at one of the other schools he has run.... That and i am still going to shop around and check out a couple of others ... Freedom helicopters in Indiana , and valley helicopters are on the top of my list to check out......
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DSC00066.jpg">I guess i didnt post the reply correctly .. But yes i met rondney at his work he was working the weekend i was in knoxville . We did talk for over anhor he seemed straight forword and a no bs kinda guy ... My wife took several pics of him leaving on a call. I was a little disappointed that i didn't get to do the into flight ... I was just wanting to see if anyone here knew him or trained with him at one of the other schools he has run.... That and i am still going to shop around and check out a couple of others ... Freedom helicopters in Indiana , and valley helicopters are on the top of my list to check out......


Anyone know if there is a serious benefit to high altitude training?

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Chaz ... it does sound all about right ..however be ready to pay for the commercial helicopter striaght rating < not as add on > additional $ 12,000 or so....just check out FAR - th ex-country requirements ..

And one more - check out MTM Helicopters in Maine at KLEW airport.This is Schweizer 300 CBI ..Great location great people .. great just plane great ..and You'll be taught to fly !



any more questions - call !




igm. :(




Has anyone heard of or trained with 'Rodney Barnett' he opened a flight school at Rockwood Airport TN. tennesseeflightraining.com. his main website is helicopterflight.net He offers dual training package for .....


Many variables can be applied to this program as suits any particular student. The path I recommend is outlined below however the costs can be trimmed further by delaying instrument ratings which could be added on later as well as the double-I rating. The CFI helicopter is a key to a career as a helicopter pilot since without it, there will be little opportunity for the pilot to build time. The instrument ratings will be a necessity at some point in every pilot's career. The commercial Airplane could also be delayed until needed or until a better opportunity arises.


Helicopter Private Pilot Rating $15,390

Airplane PPL Add-on w/Instrument Rating $11,410

Helicopter Instrument Rating Add-on $4,448

Commercial Helicopter Rating $5,560

Certified Flight Instructor Helicopter $5,560

CFII Helicopter $1,390

Commercial Airplane ASEL $2,500

Total $46,258

I just want to know what everyone thinks about this or if anyone knows him before investing a large amount in this.... Thanks


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