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Time Building


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Ok, after reading some replies from my post about going from flight instruction to the gulf, I am now wondering if I should just wait around and keep instructing till spring and just go do tours instead of trying to get on in the gulf. I ultimately want to fly EMS and most of those jobs you need 500 turbine and 2,000 hours. If you can't build that much time in the gulf I know you can build a butt load with one summer tour in the canyon or up in Alaska.


What do you guys think?




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Ok, after reading some replies from my post about going from flight instruction to the gulf, I am now wondering if I should just wait around and keep instructing till spring and just go do tours instead of trying to get on in the gulf. I ultimately want to fly EMS and most of those jobs you need 500 turbine and 2,000 hours. If you can't build that much time in the gulf I know you can build a butt load with one summer tour in the canyon or up in Alaska.


What do you guys think?





You'll need some night time when you're ready for EMS- 100, 200, 400- depends on the company. My guess is that's going to be tough to come by doing tours. If you can get an IFR seat in the Gulf, however...

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It's not that easy to get night time in the GOM, either. It's pretty much limited to the winter, when you may take off before sunrise and land back at base after dark, but it's still not that common. Just maintaining legal night currency can be a problem for many IFR crews.

Edited by Gomer Pylot
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