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Reviews on Hillsboro Aviation


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Hi there! I'm 18 years old, and is about to finish high school, and really consider educating as a pilot. I've heard a that HAI has a good reputation. However, i've have heard quite a lot complains as well. Some say the school has become overcrowded, and that it can be/is hard to get lessons, espesially during bad weather conditions? I've also heard that it is bad weather conditions during the winter? It is said that about 40-50 % of the studens are hired at Hillsboro as a CFI after graduated, but what about everybody else? Do they get a job anywhere else, and where?



Sincerely Morten!

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Thats funny, I trained with a Morten from Norway back in 05 at Hillsboro. Well ,my eexperience was good ,It wasnt crowded back then like I hear it is now. They do hire about half of their grads but there is def other work out there. Most places pay much more too. Great area to train ,good terrain,the coast and the weather in the winter isnt much worse than most places unless your in the desert. They do have a good rep and have been around for quite a while. But scheduling has been an issue. Hope this helps

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Hi there! I'm 18 years old, and is about to finish high school, and really consider educating as a pilot. I've heard a that HAI has a good reputation. However, i've have heard quite a lot complains as well. Some say the school has become overcrowded, and that it can be/is hard to get lessons, espesially during bad weather conditions? I've also heard that it is bad weather conditions during the winter? It is said that about 40-50 % of the studens are hired at Hillsboro as a CFI after graduated, but what about everybodt else? Do they get a job anywhere else, and where?



Sincerely Morten!

Hi there!


I'm assuming you're talking about Hillsboro Aviation when you say HAI, though there is another school out there that goes by that acronym (confusing, I know)


It is awfully busy out at Hillsboro right now. There are lots of instructors and lots of helicopters, so getting times to fly isn't a problem when the weather is good, but getting a pattern is tough. Those who are having first solos, stage checks, checkrides etc. get assigned to the patterns, as they should be, but there are lots of students out there, so generally a few hardy souls come in 1.5 - 2 hours early to get in line and grab those empty pattern spaces when it's time to sign up. You'll spend lots of time flying at other airports, Scapoose gets used a lot and is pretty close, and some of your time will get used up flying out to those airports. If its possible for you to fly out of Troutdale (Hillsboro Aviation has a campus there) I've heard things are not so crazy there.


As for weather, you will get practice with less-than-ideal conditions, especially clouds during about 4-5 months of the year, and in the winter the days are pretty short. But summer days are really long, and much of the year it's nice out here, nicer than a lot of people think. (Asking me this question in February you are not going to get the most optimistic answer. I've had lots of practice with go-no go decisions ;) )


Can't answer to their hiring rates. They're a great bunch of people, but it's definitely big and busy.

Good luck with your search. If you get a chance to visit schools in person, that's really the best way.



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HAI as in Oregon, Portland yes! About how hard is it go get hours? Can several days pass by without geting any lessons? How far is it to scapoose? What's happening besides school? Did you ever find it boring during training(you as in whoever reads this)?

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Sorry, but Ive got to bow out on this one.... I was a CFI there for only a year.... In 1983-84. It was located across the field in the Arden Danielson building and was known as HHI.. Hillsboro Helicopters Inc... In fact the APC concept was just getting created then...

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(Asking me this question in February you are not going to get the most optimistic answer. I've had lots of practice with go-no go decisions ;) )


Ain't that the truth!



HAI as in Oregon, Portland yes! About how hard is it go get hours?


Not too hard really. When flights get cancelled due to weather, it's easy to get frustrated, and feel like you aren't going to progress quickly. But if you can step back and look at it from a long term perspective, you will see that it moves faster than you think.


For example, I started in August, and I am only here part time (4 days a week). I am already through my private, I am working on my commercial, and have just about 100 hours so far. So I am right about half way finished in 6 months of flying part time, during the part of the year with the worst weather. There is one student who started just before me, and is full time, and he is about to have his commercial check ride.


Can several days pass by without geting any lessons?


The weather can definitely keep you from flying, sometimes for multiple days at a time. Other times, the weather is great for a long time, and you can get a lot of flights in. The weather is a variable, just like it will be when you are flying for your career. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not. Sometimes the weather looks like it will be fine for the day, and just before picking up, it gets bad. Sometimes it's the opposite. Yesterday, I doubt anyone thought I would be getting my morning flight, but I did the preflight anyways. The weather cleared, and I had a nice, 2.2 hour flight with my instructor.


How far is it to scapoose?


14.3 nautical miles, so it's just a few minute flight up there.


What's happening besides school?


Depends on what you enjoy doing for fun.


Did you ever find it boring during training(you as in whoever reads this)?


The FAR/AIM is a good cure for insomnia, just don't tell your examiner that. :P


Really, it's just like studying anything else in school. Different people will find different things interesting.


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Hi there! I'm 18 years old, and is about to finish high school, and really consider educating as a pilot. I've heard a that HAI has a good reputation. However, i've have heard quite a lot complains as well. Some say the school has become overcrowded, and that it can be/is hard to get lessons, espesially during bad weather conditions? I've also heard that it is bad weather conditions during the winter? It is said that about 40-50 % of the studens are hired at Hillsboro as a CFI after graduated, but what about everybody else? Do they get a job anywhere else, and where?



Sincerely Morten!

Check out Precision Aviation in Newberg OR...Its about 20 miles south of Hillsboro. Precision is a smaller school but so far I have heard good things about them and they don't have the scheduling problems that hillsboro has. I was considering Bristow in Florida, Hillsboro and Precision. For me I decided I liked a smaller school instead of the big schools. Training in Oregon interests me because of the different terrains, weather conditions and NO SALES TAX !!! That will save some money in a expensive investment like flight training.
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Check out Precision Aviation in Newberg OR...Its about 20 miles south of Hillsboro. Precision is a smaller school but so far I have heard good things about them and they don't have the scheduling problems that hillsboro has. I was considering Bristow in Florida, Hillsboro and Precision. For me I decided I liked a smaller school instead of the big schools. Training in Oregon interests me because of the different terrains, weather conditions and NO SALES TAX !!! That will save some money in a expensive investment like flight training.


The thing is that I'm a foregin(norwegian), and are therefore limited with schools(right?), too bad. It is said that my only options are Bristow and Hillsboro.

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The thing is that I'm a foregin(norwegian), and are therefore limited with schools(right?), too bad. It is said that my only options are Bristow and Hillsboro.


Precision does not have authority to issue student visas to anyone. However, I looked at several schools in the area, including Precision and Hillsboro. I went with Precision for several reasons. It was easier to schedule time and they did not get me with a fuel surcharge (which made their R22's more expensive than Precision's S300's). Since my work schedule changed quite regularly, Precision was much more flexible on scheduling.


In your situation I would give a lot of weight to Bristow. First they can do a JAA or a JAA/FAA course where you will end up with European certificates. Plus they are owned by Bristow which is an European operator. It is my understanding that their students get an extra checkmark during interviews.

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Precision does not have authority to issue student visas to anyone. However, I looked at several schools in the area, including Precision and Hillsboro. I went with Precision for several reasons. It was easier to schedule time and they did not get me with a fuel surcharge (which made their R22's more expensive than Precision's S300's). Since my work schedule changed quite regularly, Precision was much more flexible on scheduling.


In your situation I would give a lot of weight to Bristow. First they can do a JAA or a JAA/FAA course where you will end up with European certificates. Plus they are owned by Bristow which is an European operator. It is my understanding that their students get an extra checkmark during interviews.


What's Bristow's webpage? Do you know anything about their CFI hireing rate?

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What's Bristow's webpage? Do you know anything about their CFI hireing rate?


Their website is www.heli.com. The used to be Helicopter Adventures, Inc until Bristow bought them out. The have campuses in Florida and California, plus Bristow has recently purchased Vortex Helicopters in Louisiana and is merging it into their current flight school. They are expanding and currently looking for instructors.

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It is said that about 40-50 % of the studens are hired at Hillsboro as a CFI after graduated, but what about everybody else? Do they get a job anywhere else, and where?


40-50% seems extremely high, and not very realistic, I would do some further investigating before I believed that claim.

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40-50% seems extremely high, and not very realistic, I would do some further investigating before I believed that claim.

A guy advertising for Hillsboro said that their hireing rates are very good, ant that they hire up to 40-50%, I however, have no clue.


Their website is www.heli.com. The used to be Helicopter Adventures, Inc until Bristow bought them out. The have campuses in Florida and California, plus Bristow has recently purchased Vortex Helicopters in Louisiana and is merging it into their current flight school. They are expanding and currently looking for instructors.


I took a look at their website, and they seems okey. What's your impression so far? I really don't know what to do. A company in Norway named Luftfartsskolen(translated: flightschool) seems to have a really good program: Once a month they send a group of students of to Hillsboro. They seem to have a great program for converting when I've finished my J1 visum.

I didn't get what you said about Bristow's Jaa/Faa program. Do I convert while I'm there? Do they have a good program for students?


Thanks again!

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I didn't get what you said about Bristow's Jaa/Faa program. Do I convert while I'm there? Do they have a good program for students?


Thanks again!


I do not have any personal knowledge of Bristow's program, but it is my understanding that they do a program where you train for and get certificates under both sets of regulations. Any questions you have in that area, you should really discuss with them. But it sounds like an intereesting program, considering that most foreign students have concerns about converting from FAA to JAA when they rturn home.

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I work for Hillsboro, feel free to send me a private message with any questions you have. Hillsboro is a great school for alot of students, certainly not for all. I'm not knocking any of the school previously listed.


My one peice of advice, do not come initially on a J1 visa, come on an M1 visa for your private plus 50 hours of com training, then return to your home country and come back on a J1 visa. You will then have lots of time remaining on your J1 when you finish your CFII. THat will make you more hireable here and elsewhere, as well as allowing you to maximize your PIC time as an instructor.


If you are told this can't happen then the person telling you that is wrong, we currently have people training right now on an M1/J1 program.

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Hillsboro is a great school for alot of students, certainly not for all.


Aaron is right, HIO is a good school flight-training-wise and there are a lot of nice people.


But because of the amount of students its harder to get a spot on a helicopter..... so your training slowes down.

But as i said the flight training is good.. no question.

Another thing that caught my eye was, that HIO was / is raising their prices couple times a year..but this effect seems to be in any other flight school the same.

The sommer is very nice but once you come closer to the winter, you will get a lot of fog, low ceiling, rain,snow--> just a few hours of flying



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How is the weather conditions at Bristow during the winter? Is it alot easier to get flying lessons?


aclark79: who does not fit in Hillsboro? Unsecure/introspective people with bad confidence for instance?

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How is the weather conditions at Bristow during the winter? Is it alot easier to get flying lessons?


aclark79: who does not fit in Hillsboro? Unsecure/introspective people with bad confidence for instance?

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How is the weather conditions at Bristow during the winter? Is it alot easier to get flying lessons?


aclark79: who does not fit in Hillsboro? Unsecure/introspective people with bad confidence for instance?

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To answer for aclark79; Those not cut out for HAI are those who wish to finish their PVT in less than a year (I haven't flown in over 2 weeks because of weather - Winter is a depressing time to try and fly).


Seriously. I started in November, and aside from being grounded by weather, I am really enjoying HAI. I haven't met anyone I don't like, and the CFI's are fantastic. Great group of people. I'm making alot of friends, and I'm very impressed with the calibre of people from students, to CFI's, to HAI staff. Aircraft are very well maintained, safety is a HUGE concern, and the quality of education is great. I have spent around 8 years in colleges/universities so I am very keen on quality of education and teaching abilities.


I was born/raised in this area, and I own a home here, so I hope to GOD I can get hired on as a CFI..don't really have many other options. I love the school and the people. This is where I want to stay.


I haven't had much issues with scheduling. My CFI is able to get me what I need....it's not his fault the weather is against us....but he keeps appologizing! I do wish we had a few more classrooms....when the weather is nasty, it's tough to get a room! But hey, that's what Starbuck's is for, right?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sorry, but Ive got to bow out on this one.... I was a CFI there for only a year.... In 1983-84. It was located across the field in the Arden Danielson building and was known as HHI.. Hillsboro Helicopters Inc... In fact the APC concept was just getting created then...
we were good friends with Arden Danielson had some great aircraft and some great stories
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HAI is very social. They host a BBQ once a month for CFI's/Staff/Students. It's alot of fun...food is typical BBQ food...not bad, especially for free.

I tease that it's how HAI makes sure their CFI's get at least one square meal a month.


Lately I have needed to get to school early to wait in line for a pattern (to practice maneuvers). Average pattern wait time is now over 2 hours (only 3 available). So while I wait, many people come and go in the pilot lounge. Lots of talking and studying...mostly talking! I enjoy it. Everyone is great. Fun to share notes with other students and CFI's. Like I have posted before, the atmosphere at HAI is great.




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Sandy - do u get paid to say this :-)


I have been at HAI and as one of the only options for overseas students it is probably as good as anything els but its now a Factory. I have heard roomers that students have to wait for 3 h to get a pattern.


When they (the Norwegian recruiter) tells you about how fantastic it is please be sceptic. The chance of be hired as a CFI is there but you have to be good at brown nosing.


Any questions feel free to PM me.


And to all that will react on this please understand I am not trying to scare students off but be realistic :-)


Happy flying




HAI is very social. They host a BBQ once a month for CFI's/Staff/Students. It's alot of fun...food is typical BBQ food...not bad, especially for free.

I tease that it's how HAI makes sure their CFI's get at least one square meal a month.


Lately I have needed to get to school early to wait in line for a pattern (to practice maneuvers). Average pattern wait time is now over 2 hours (only 3 available). So while I wait, many people come and go in the pilot lounge. Lots of talking and studying...mostly talking! I enjoy it. Everyone is great. Fun to share notes with other students and CFI's. Like I have posted before, the atmosphere at HAI is great.




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Sandy - do u get paid to say this :-)


I have been at HAI and as one of the only options for overseas students it is probably as good as anything els but its now a Factory. I have heard roomers that students have to wait for 3 h to get a pattern.


When they (the Norwegian recruiter) tells you about how fantastic it is please be sceptic. The chance of be hired as a CFI is there but you have to be good at brown nosing.


Any questions feel free to PM me.


And to all that will react on this please understand I am not trying to scare students off but be realistic :-)


Happy flying





I'm still a newbie at HAI (started Nov 1st), but so far my experience has been above and beyond my expectations. I was already sold on the school by a student, so they didn't need to throw a sales pitch at me.


As far as getting a pattern....yah, right now, depending on the day, it can be over 2 hours waiting...but that is not every time. I've gotten there 20 minutes before my flight recently, and got a pattern. Just depends on weather. When we've have several days of good wx, it's easy to get a pattern, if it's been nasty, and you can't leave HAI for another airport, then yes, everyone's in line for Charlier pattern. That is my experience. I'm gearing up for my 1st supervised solo, and my instructor insisted I do what I can to get a pattern. So I come early and wait. I enjoy it...lots of great people to sit and chit chat with. I was bringing my test prep in hopes to study....nope! Too much socializing to do!


I agree, it's a larger school, but I personally don't feel it's like a factory. I don't feel pushed, and I'm allowed to study at my own pace. I definately feel my training is very much tailored to my own needs and personality. Other than crappy wx, I have no complaints. I've never had so much fun in my entire life.


Maybe I SHOULD get a commission from HAI! LOL

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