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Now i know where i get "it" from...

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Meet my uncle Tommy.... 1st calvary div Air mobile.



My mother has recently aquried his photo album, so i thought i'd share some pictar's

Tommy has always had a real hard time talking about his expieriances so i'm sorry to say i cant explain any of the pic's but here they are anyway... enjoy






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thanks and your welcome.... these are just a few of the pic's... there are probebly 10-15 pic's with heli's in them and 40+ pic's over all. i could sit and looks at those pic's for what seems like days on end, each one tells its own little story. My uncle has been getting better at talking about this stuff, i'd like to sit him down and hear the actual story behind each picture.

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go ahead and give him a jingle and ask him about his time there, as he may have flown in a HUEY my uncle was piloting.


The dates on the pic's (that i took notice of) range from march- sept of '68 My Mom told me that he stayed in the northern part of vietnam from hamburger hill to the DMZ, that general area. He received a medal for the amount of time's he was dropped into a "hot LZ". As if flying/ landing one of these things isnt hard enough... try to do it while getting shot at... good lawrd!!



Always great to see a Chinook from back in the day getting some love. Great pictures!

Those were for you meng! figured you'd like'em.

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The dates on the pic's (that i took notice of) range from march- sept of '68 My Mom told me that he stayed in the northern part of vietnam from hamburger hill to the DMZ, that general area. He received a medal for the amount of time's he was dropped into a "hot LZ". As if flying/ landing one of these things isnt hard enough... try to do it while getting shot at... good lawrd!!




Those were for you meng! figured you'd like'em.


The 'Cav' lived hard and fought hard, and '68 was a very active year 'in country'. Your Uncle's photos look like he probably saw some stuff. Some people can talk about combat, some can't, some could, but want to put it as far behind them as possible, so they don't.

A few things I can say:

It's very, very hard work, you're always tired. Tired, like King Kong is fair-sized monkey.

On top of that, it's usually unbelievably, mind-crushingly boring, except for those brief intervals when no matter what you do, sometimes BECAUSE of what you do, and no matter how good things go, people die.

It's 'better' when it's 'them' who are killed, and not you, but it's never a GOOD thing. And no matter what happens, you pay for it.

The incredible fragility of life, and sometimes, what's even worse- how tenacious a person can be, how much punishment a human body can take before death comes.

Dying is so effing final to those involved, and completely insignificant to the machine of the universe.

It's very, very hard work. Did you know it's possible to sleep while running in formation?

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My fiance told me many of times where he fell asleep running in formation during his time in the army (He was first ID, infantry Sergeant before he was sent to Iraq for 13 months).. Always thought that was pretty crazy.


I have my pilot's license, and he doesn't just yet. But he teases me all the time because he got to trade an apache pilot a ride in the bradley for a flight in the gunner seat of the apache.

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Those are all great pics. I have a family full of vets, and not a single known photo, make sure you get as many stories to go with the photos as possible. Imagine years from now with grand kids in high school, telling them a story about a relative who was just slightly older than them taking part in history? My dad still watches every single documentary about Guadalcanal and Henderson Field on TV, hoping to see a photo of his Uncle. I really hope he finds one.


If I had to chose a favorite, and that would be incredibly tough to do, Id say the first or the third photo. The first is strikes me as a very honest photo, "Here I am" no posing what so ever. Very down to earth. The third photo is pure motion, your pulse beats in sync with that main rotor. The placement of the M60 and the M79 remind you its serious. The best photos, always happen partly by accident it seems.

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If I had to chose a favorite, and that would be incredibly tough to do, Id say the first or the third photo. The first is strikes me as a very honest photo, "Here I am" no posing what so ever. Very down to earth. The third photo is pure motion, your pulse beats in sync with that main rotor. The placement of the M60 and the M79 remind you its serious. The best photos, always happen partly by accident it seems.


Agreed 1000%

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If you look at pic #5, that's a "G" model Cobra in "Hog" configuration - 76 rockets in the wing stores (ARA style) and in the revetment behind her is a "Charlie" model, also in "Hog" configuration. He could only carry 48 rockets and if he was heavy on fuel or the DA was above "standard", he'd have to "skip her off" the runway to get airborn.


As long as it wasn't you, it was entertaining to watch the gun-well crew running along side waiting to jump in when she finally started to fly.


I flew both, and although I loved the extra fire power of the "snake" - I sure MISSED having the door gunners covering my ass on the breaks.


Gentle winds,


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