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I'm sure most of these questions have been asked before but I'm having trouble finding the answers. So if there are links to other topics that can answer my questions that would be great.


First off I'm going to be starting my training very soon and am in the process of trying to get a loan... With the Teri company no longer giving loans, what are other options out side of SLM or Salli Mae? Also any input you guys have on the "Helicopter Academy" would be great. The school is about $20,000 less then the others have have checked out so far, just want to make sure that I'm not going to "Get what I pay for" if you know what I mean.


I know after you complete the training you will be an instructor for about 2 years until you have 1,000 hours, but what happens after that? I've heard most people get jobs flying to oil rigs in the Golf Of Mexico, but how much time is spent on the rig itself? And how many flight hours would get per year? Also what would I be doing when not flying? Are there other jobs that can be obtained with 1,000 hours?


I know this is a lot of questions but I don't know any Pilot's personally so any input you guys have would be greatly appreciated.

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I don't know of other financing options right off the top of my head. I will check around and let you know if I find out some.


After 1,000 PIC or about 1,060 total hours you will be able to do the following:


Gulf of Mexico: Off Shore Oil Support. Pilots work either 7 days on and then 7 off or 14 days on and 14 off. Fly up to 8 hours a day or I would guess close to 1,000 hours a year on the high end. Some contract have you based on a platform off shore with the helicopter. Others have you at a shore base and you spend the night in company housing. When your hitch is over you are free to drive or catch and airline home if you don't live near the Gulf. When not flying you hang out in the company housing or on the rig. TV, internet and eating is about all there is to do.


Tours in Alaska: Tends to be seasonal(summer only)

Tours in the Grand Canyon: Not seasonal, get to be home every night


That is about what you can get into at that level. Some other exceptions but that is what is typical.

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You get what you pay for... That is one of those things that just holds true throughout life...


Sallie Mae is about it these days, other than college options like ER and UVU. It is expensive and there is no easy way in, unless you have a rich uncle. :)

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It is expensive and there is no easy way in, unless you have a rich uncle. :)


Ooooooh to be in a "Brewster's Millions" scenario! :D ;)

( for all you young'ns, look for it on DVD, starring Richard Pryor and John Candy, may they both R.I.P. )

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The school is about $20,000 less then the others have have checked out so far, just want to make sure that I'm not going to "Get what I pay for" if you know what I mean.


I know after you complete the training you will be an instructor for about 2 years until you have 1,000 hours



Check out the Utah Valley State College. They offer aviation degrees through online courses and they will finance your training(with pretty good deferance and intrest rates) with a lot of schools out there. Also since they are a college you can get financial aid and be approved for government rates.


$20,000 less?

Just make sure that that quote includes everything. Sometimes you'll get quotes at the bare minimums. Most people don't hit the min. Plus if they're flying robbies you are going to need 200 total hours to teach anyway and 300 total for most school's insurance. Some don't qoute the ground or books since you can do it all on your own (though i wouldn't suggest that) and it's not required by part 61. You may fly a lot more with an instructor for your commercial then required. It requires 100 pic and some quote this as all solo time. Sometimes the max simulator time allowed to credit towards your flying time is included in the quote. While sim helps it does take away from your total helicopter time you're going to need to teach anyway. You're cfi rating doesn't require any flying time but you can expect 10-20 hours to learn left seat flying and talk throughs along with advanced emergencies and full downs. Now I've never heard of this school so I don't know their story but those are the things I'd look at that could make the cost "seem" less.


As for being an instructor 2 years is a long time if you're working fulltime and only plan on instructing until 1000pic. Most I've known and myself it only took a little over a year.

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Thanks for all the info guys. And yes the school quoted me $65,000. They say it has to do with taking pictures of boats for their sister company during your training and that covers ~50% of the cost (which seems a bit on the high side if they charged full price). Either way here's the website if anyone wanted to read up on the school: http://www.helicopteracademy.com/


Thanks again!

Edited by Brian
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I've always loved that website. The photos on the site don't seem to have much to do with their operation ..... In fact the Bell 412 on the top of the page is LA City Fire Air Ops 2..oh well...it's marketing I guess !

Edited by Goldy
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Bank of America offers funds up to $25k for AOPA Members. Look for it on the AOPA website. I don't have the link with me but it's been posted on here before. It is a line a credit so my understanding is when you pay off say $5k, you can pull that back out again like a credit card.

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