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I talked with a guy I that just got back from Haiti with a -44. He was there 18 days or so flying supplies, Doctors, medical etc. I am working with some people I know and am trying to find a 44 that could be used for more of the same mission. Of course it would be insured and this isn't about trying to get you hundreds of dollars per hour for the use. I will volunteer my time and expenses will be paid on our end. This is about helping, not making money. Maybe you could use it as a charitable write off. If you know of someone on the east coast or southeast U.S that has one they would allow to be used I would like to hear from them.


Even better, if you know of a Huey.





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Thanks for all the offers to help. This project is just getting off the ground. A number of you have PMed me and tracked me down via other ways on the Internet (some of you guys are very resourceful! Scary resourceful!) I jumped the gun a bit with my post. When we are ready to start talking I promise I will be in touch and post details here on VR.


Sorry Jeff for hijacking your thread.

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