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Air space training

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I would like to hear about airspace training and radio call training at other school from a student’s stand point.


In the words of my instructor a retired CW 5 Helicopter warrant officer. You guys from the Arizona school suck on the radios.


This was one of the last flights I did and I did all radio calls.


On one flight with Upper Limit Aviation I went from class B airspace max power take off making all radio call and opening flight plan. Then to an uncontrolled airport (KBTF) under the class B airspace for an autorotation making all area calls. Then I took the I-15 Helicopter Route through Military airspace (HILL AFB) class D airspace making all radio calls. Then through (KOGD) class D airspace making all radio calls. Then made a stop at (KBMC) uncontrolled airspace making all area calls. Then to (KLGU) for a run-on landing and max power take off making all radio calls closing and opening new flight plan. Then back over (KBMC) making all area calls. Then the SNOW BASIN Helicopter Route to the MOUNTAIN ROAD Helicopter Route making all area calls. Then through Military airspace (HILL AFB) class D airspace making all radio calls. Then back into class B airspace making all radio calls.


This is what I would call a good cross country training flight with lots of different airspace’s and airports.


Even the seven minutes it takes to fly the four miles to get from (KSLC) to (KBTF) you have to make at least seven radio calls and change radio frequencies at least five times.


I came to Upper Limit Aviation with a private license and an instrument rating from Guidance Helicopter. I though I was trained ok on the radio, but soon after I got here I found out I sucked on the radio and so did the others that came with me. When I first got here it was really hard but now I actually like talking on the radio.


I can get to (KBTF) a lot faster than I could ever get to the training areas out in the middle for nowhere at Guidance. This means you do radio call and frequency changes at least five times just to get out of B airspace. Then area calls at (KBTF) and then same old thing getting back in to B airspace. You don’t waste any time flying to the same flat piece of land in the middle of know where trying to practices patterns over grass that all looks the same.


I think I really love this blogging thing. Once again thanks to the person from Guidance who blogged about me, and thanks to the person from Guidance who told me about the post. I used to think that blogging was stupide but all I want to do now is blog. It’s like a video game but I get to say what is on my mind this is great. Its 1:19 AM in Utah so I should go to sleep. I will look forward to tomorrow. Can anyone suggest more Helicopter blog sites for me? I am new to this blogging thing.



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Even the seven minutes it takes to fly the four miles to get from (KSLC) to (KBTF) you have to make at least seven radio calls and change radio frequencies at least five times.


Interesting statement... I find it odd that you would be flying so slow and be required to make that many frequency changes in such a short distance of only four miles, unless your counting ground control, in which case you only made two changes in-flight... SLC ground - SLC tower - KBTF tower - KBTF ground...


Hate the bearer of bad news but Guidance isn't located in the flat grassy lands your claiming, which could only mean one thing... You've never been to PRC and aren't aware of it's 5045' elevation, surrounding mountains and forest...


FYI: Phx is far busier then SLC and has a larger number of surrounding airports covering all classes of FAA designated airspace, including MOA's...

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Actually, I flew at Guidance in Prescott, AZ. I am personal friends with the family that GHI rents its practice area from and I grew up hunting out there. It’s grassy and flat, and if you call Chino Valley mountainous, I would like to sale you some property. Despite the elevation, there are always valleys of beautiful grassy land, which is where I always flew out to with GHI. At ULA, I flew over a 10,000’ elevation peak the other day and on a regular basis I do landings above 8000’ elevation. Upper Limit does a $99.00 intro ride if you would like to come see for yourself.

Regarding the frequency changes ATIS, and then Ground control, and then Clearance, and then Tower, and then another tower, and then departure, and then KBTF. I stand corrected, you are right in my calculations error, you may have to change frequencies up to seven times. Which brings to question how much experience you have as a pilot into class B airspace? An experienced pilot would have known all the frequency changes needed. Which brings up another reason I left GHI, I was informed I would only have, at most, 2 occasions to fly into class B airspace during my commercial training. I felt that would be an injustice to my flight training, since most jobs I would be performing have constant contact with class B airspace.

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Why are all the people marking the post as negative? But not responding.


I will tell you what. When I see them stop bad mouthing my school,I will stop telling the truth to the world about their school. All I wanted was for them to not speak of me and I would not speak of them. I never even blogged before they blogged about me a few days ago.


I really love this forum. Once again thanks to the person from Guidance who wrote about me on the forum, and thanks to the person from Guidance who told me about the forum? Can anyone suggest more Helicopter forums for me? I am new to forums. Thanks

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In all my years I've been flying I have talked to ground maybe twice. Clearance Delivery??? Only when I was IFR. Departure, Center or approach sure if I was doing flight following.


In almost all cases I only listen to ATIS then call tower and I am gone.

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