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Just looking to speak or have someone indulge the forum on the quality of life, and general lifestyle for those working for ERA up in Alaska.


For any current or former ERA employees, feel free to PM me.




Thank you for the push of information. Please if it's not too much trouble I am sure there are a few guys on here who would be interested in hearing about flying for ERA probably both Alaska and the GOM.


Semper fi


I know quite a but about Era GOM. I can answer most questions, but I'm not so into the PM thing. I was wondering what part of AK Era you were asking about: tours or offshore?


I don't know much about the tours, as they changed the process a few years back. But I believe they are the best paid and housing is ok. Busy enough from what I'm told. Not many days off, just the minimum per quarter.


So my buddy says he worked 7 days a week and was on call from 7a to 9p. He said that Juneau had apartments for the pilots and Denali had a dorm where each pilot got his own room. He said it was a lot of fun and his pictures were amazing. I got the same response for him as most anyone else who flies in Alaska, he said if you get the chance, do it. I'll try to find out some more info for ya, sorry it's kind of meager. He's headed to the GOM in a little bit so I can find out about that as well.


Nothing is too crazy. I'm an older pilot (depending on who you talk to) but looking for the adventure and flying side of life.

  • 2 months later...

I'm sure it varies from person to person, but any idea how much they flew? I'm thinking about heading up there for a season to get some Astar time if they stay busy enough


I'm sure it varies from person to person, but any idea how much they flew? I'm thinking about heading up there for a season to get some Astar time if they stay busy enough


Typically 2-400 hours. It's based on weather that season, more so than the pilot. Temsco will generally fly more from what I'm told.


Aah I see. 200 would suck, especially working 14 hour days.


The era job posting days 7-12 days in a row, 14 hour days, no scheduled days off. What's that mean, 8 days on then 1 off, 12 on then 3 off? I don't mean those exact numbers, more of a random thing.


Aah I see. 200 would suck, especially working 14 hour days.


The era job posting days 7-12 days in a row, 14 hour days, no scheduled days off. What's that mean, 8 days on then 1 off, 12 on then 3 off? I don't mean those exact numbers, more of a random thing.


They operate under the same 135 certificate as the rest of Era and have the same rest requirements. It is worked around because it tends to fit into one calandar quarter. The days off tend to float from what I recall.

  • 6 months later...

No personal experience but, a guy I talked to that fly's for ERA said transferring from AK to the GOM isn't to hard but going from GOM to AK can really take some time/effort.


As far as the state, go if you get a chance! I loved the 6 years I spent near Fairbanks, and the south coast is great. If you go seasonal, the summer is awesome, if you go year round, you will find beauty in the winter... for awhile ( the winters will start to wear on you). Of course winter in the south is more bearable but, you would get more snow.


Any more questions about the state I may be able to answer, unfortunately I can't offer much info about working there as a helicopter pilot... Maybe one day.


Thanks gary-mike,

Wonder why it's difficult on the reverse?

I'm keen as mustard to get up there. Spent 4 years on cruise ships and has been my goal ever since to fly there.

Good luck in your quest to fly too...


  • 2 weeks later...



Do you guys know what the minimum hours would be to do this? I want to do it next year as I should have my ATP by then.


Also, any advice on how to actually get in a position to land a job would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance, great post!

  • Like 1
  • 3 months later...

I don't think the ATP would make a difference on the tour side. I believe the minimums for hiring are 1000 hours and an instrument ticket. I would think 1500 might be more realistic for getting the position.


And for those that asked, the AK to GOM transfer isn't as smooth as it used to be but is certainly not out of the question. Generally the other direction is not an option.


I wanna say interviews are around March/April.


A few guys went to the GOM and a few stayed in AK after the 2013 season, all of the guys that wanted to work 14/14 upgraded to bigger aircraft (119, 212, 145). Almost 1/2 of the era tour pilots remain on a seasonal schedule and only work the summer.

For the 2013 season era was "asking" for 1700-2000, with an instrument ticket. I want to say the interviews start in February/march and includes a written test, as350 ftd session, and a face to face.

  • Like 2
  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I have an interview coming up for the Era Alaska position for a seasonal tour pilot...Yay! I have a few questions for anyone who has worked for them as a seasonal tour pilot. If there is anyone on this forum who has some time to answer my questions over PM, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!

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