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'New' Noise Issues

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What bugs me about this, is people that move to these areas, then wait a few years, and then complain.


Back in the midwest, people would move to a new subdivision near a farm. Then, a few years later, would complain about the smells. Hello!?!


Or, move to a cheap house under the airport approach, then complain a few years later that aircraft make your house shake.


I wanna slap these people!

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When I lived in Virginia Beach, my house was right under the point of the most popular Oceana SID where the afterburner equipped jets would relight their afterburners for their climb to altitude. It would shake the whole house and rattle the windows, and you could feel the air vibrations on the air surrounding you. You could feel it inside and outside your lungs. Anything that was happening at a normal conversation level would have to wait until they brought their throttles back to mil or below once they were at operating altitude. The base was there long before I was, but even if I was there first I wouldn't complain because those were the sounds and tactile sensations of freedom. The whiners who did send in noise complaints weren't very patriotic if you ask me.

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When I lived in Virginia Beach, my house was right under the point of the most popular Oceana SID where the afterburner equipped jets would relight their afterburners for their climb to altitude. It would shake the whole house and rattle the windows, and you could feel the air vibrations on the air surrounding you. You could feel it inside and outside your lungs. Anything that was happening at a normal conversation level would have to wait until they brought their throttles back to mil or below once they were at operating altitude. The base was there long before I was, but even if I was there first I wouldn't complain because those were the sounds and tactile sensations of freedom. The whiners who did send in noise complaints weren't very patriotic if you ask me.


We need more guys like you in this country. Well said.

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It would help if some of the tour pilots in the LA area did not fly like such pricks. Seriously. There is a lot of room for improvement on the pilot side too. More than a few of those guys have been thumbing their noses at the community for a long time. I won't name names. Granted, there are certain members of the community who seem to have absolutely NOTHING better to do than punch the speed-dial to their city representatives and complain about helicopters. But when you get pilots that seem to enjoy the fact that people down there are getting irritated and have a "they can't do anything about it" attitude, especially when dealing with the press and the public, it just gives the whiners more ammo to throw at us. Some of you can probably guess who I am talking about. There is more than one, but one stands out.

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I don't think so. The pilot I am thinking of flies a red 44, not a black one.


Counter- Do you fly in LA? Have we met? Maybe I'm just having a senior moment.......



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Goldy, maybe and maybe not, to both questions. I have my reasons for keeping my identity separate from what I post on this forum. I will say that I am familiar with the LA airspace and know, or know of, many of the helicopter pilots in the region.


Since this is an anonymous internet forum, only the NSA knows who you are!


Oh and I agree with you about certain pilots....in fact I've had "the talk" with him.

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  • 5 months later...

My grandma lives east of San Diego CA, and she has helicopters, mostly Marines Super Stallions or Ch-53s, big ass helicopters if you don't know them, fly over or next to her house all the time. You hear the chop, and it vibrates the whole house and windows and have to stop talking. She doesn't complain at all thinks its the coolest thing to see them and hear them.

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