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Best flight schools covered by GI Bill, recommendations?


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I'm currently a medic for the Army and will be separating within the next couple of months. Dead set on flying helicopters and looking for advice on flight schools to attend. As well as a little more info in regards to what actually is covered....My understanding the Private isn't covered unless you attend a VA approved university? Just trying to make the best decision and get advice from those who would have something different.


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It's hard to determine a "best". Every flight school thinks they're the best.


That being said, I can attest that Central Oregon Community College, which pairs with Leading Edge Aviation in Bend, OR has a very solid program. The program is on good terms with the VA, provides safe, quality training, and doesn't take advantage of the VA blank check to the extent that most schools do. They're one of the responsible players, versus those that are ruining it for others, like Guidance and Upper Limit.


Beautiful part of the country to fly, too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can you narrow down your search to a specific part of the country? I know folks who've gone to Kansas State and graduated with a degree, over 1000 hours in fixed and rotary wing, and FAA ratings up to CFII, all paid for by our Uncle. Probably could add on some UAV time there too since they've added that to their curriculum. To me, looking at it as a vet, that's the best case scenario for someone like you, but it would require the fortitude to move to Salinas KS and stick to their program for the next 4 years.

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