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Hi Guys,


I'll probably start training for my CPL early next year, but I'm a little concerned about my math skills. I'm not exactly one of those math head types :unsure:


What sort of math is required for the tests etc? I'm comfortable with doing celestial navigation on ships, but then, that's not particularly advanced.


Thank you very much!

Digital :)

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Hi Guys,


I'll probably start training for my CPL early next year, but I'm a little concerned about my math skills. I'm not exactly one of those math head types :unsure:


What sort of math is required for the tests etc? I'm comfortable with doing celestial navigation on ships, but then, that's not particularly advanced.


Thank you very much!

Digital :)


You graduated from High School, right? youre way out there kiddo. No worries.

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Hi Guys,


I'll probably start training for my CPL early next year, but I'm a little concerned about my math skills. I'm not exactly one of those math head types :unsure:


What sort of math is required for the tests etc? I'm comfortable with doing celestial navigation on ships, but then, that's not particularly advanced.


Thank you very much!

Digital :)




Don't even worry about the math. For real. I am not mathmatically inclined AT ALL and had a hard time in high school with it, but so far have had no issues with the calculations we have had to do. Plus, there is handy flight calculators that do a lot for you. So don't stress about it. I was worried to, but there is no need. Good luck!!!

Edited by FlyGirl86
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Digital Fudge,


I taught myself Astro Navigation and Spherical Geometry too.


I can assure you, if you are 'comfortable' with that, then you'll be alright.


Maths and 'number nimbleness' is a skill. If you use it, it comes easily...if not then it comes difficult.


So start using it more now.


I hate to see people pulling a calculator out to split a bill, or work out other simple calculations.


Get practicing working out your ETA as you drive to work, or fuel consumption etc..etc..


As with any other skill, practice makes perfect!



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  • 3 years later...

Yes, you need to be able to do mental calculation. You have 300 pounds of fuel, you burn 4 pounds per minute, your destination is 60 miles away, you're making 100 knots. You need 20 minutes reserve. Do you have enough fuel to make your destination, or do you need to get fuel or land before that? What if your destination has no fuel, and you have to go 25 miles further to get fuel? You have to make a decision now.


That happens every day. You have to be able to make those calculations in your head, very quickly. If you're relying on a calculator in a helicopter, you're going to have problems. You don't have to know sophisticated math, but you have to know basic arithmetic and simple algebra cold. This is something you can learn through practice.

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If your planning on attending a professional flight program through a university then math becomes a serious requirement. Some university programs require college math for aviators (aka pre-calculus) and then one I know of requires you successfully complete calculus for engineers (mat265) your freshman year. So I would listen to Gomer Pylots advise. Besides simple algebra isn't that tough to learn and if your taking lessons through a local flight school they'll be able to teach you the basic formulas needed without any problem. Learn them and you'll be fine.

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