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hello everyone Iam sore of new I don't visit this side of the page a lot but in this case I think I need a little bit of help any sugestions/ oppinion ?. here is my deal. I fly schweizers 300's, it's taking me forever to get my private certificate because for some reason or another I don't fly as often as I would like. One hour today then maybe one to three weeeks from know another hour. and we are talking of almost two years now, a lot of time the only aircraft it's down for maintenance or not instructors at all.so there's allways something that keeps me from flying. and in my case money it's never been a problem. I have 45 hrs. or more in my log books but I don't know why but I have the feiling that before I put more money into it I should look for another school. the only problem its that there is not to many where I live ( los angeles and san bernardino area in california ) so any sugestion, any body. remember in my case money like I said before its never been a issue. so some freelance instructor, time share, or any idea how can I get my private? I can pay $ 200.00, $ 300.00 $ 400.00 even maybe $ 500.00 or $ 600.00 per hour depending on the aircraft. in this case as I said any idea? or maybe in an empty seat as a copilot? please heeeeelp!

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If your in the San Bernardino area looking for an excellent school, try California Aviation Services at Riverside Airport. I know I sound like a commercial, but It took me 2 years to get threw my ppl like you (aint cheap flyin' helos). However, they still got me finished at 40 hours. Good luck with your search.

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I also did not fly on a regular basis so it took a lot longer to become proficient, the more you fly the better you should be.

Are you happy with your instructor if so stay? if not find another.

Good luck

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is not to many where I live ( los angeles and san bernardino area in california ) so any sugestion, any



Western flies a 300 not far from you. Group 3 Aviation in Van Nuys has 4 or 5 of them. I think you should try to fly close to home, so Western would be my first choice. Send a PM over to Brushfire21, he can give you some specifics.

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