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Posted (edited)

A little background info first. I'm on the last year of my 6 year enlistment with the Air Force. I'm currently a TACP (forward air controller) and I'm deployed to Baghdad. From what I've read on the WO website, you must have your package in 1 year before your enlistment is up. I JUST passed that mark (30 Dec) and it's not very realistic that I would be able to put together a package in any kind of hurry while I'm deployed. Is there any chance that they would accept a package for WOFT when I return to my duty station in a few months? I spend my entire career with the Army (stationed out of Fort Polk) so it would be pretty easy to get a lot of the things accomplished once I got back, but I don't know how strict they are about turning in the package 1 year out. I've heard it's next to impossible to fail out of WOFT, but what about flight training? If you fail out of that for whatever reason does the Army just stick you wherever they want to? If I joined the Army it would only be to fly, not looking to get stuck back on the ground...AGAIN!


Don't remember what my ASVAB was when I took it 5 1/2 years ago, but it was good enough to get any job I wanted in the AF.

Need 4 more classes to finish up my Community College of the Air Force degree, can CLEP most of those.

I'm sure I could get whatever class flight physical I need since I've had to get them before to fly in an F-16.

Can pass Army PT test since my career field tests us to Army standards also.

Would be easy to get LORs from both Army WO's, Air Force pilots, etc. Surrounded by them!


Any help is appreciated!

Edited by goromadgo

Ha, I would say you are worried about the least important issue. Yes, the 1 year thing is in there, that's just so your enlistment doesn't lapse while you are in the process of or in WOCS. What they will have you do is just sign up for a year extension, if you are putting in a packet, it's not a big deal. As for the LOR's.. the Min is 3, Max I think is 6... I would suggest you get 1 from (atleast) an Army WO... CW3 or higher, 1 from your Commander, and I would suggest 1 from someone outside of the military... College Professor, a friend in a high level position somewhere, etc... something that would look good. I would also suggest just walking up to an Army WO, and talking to them about turning Army and putting in your packet, if they are cool, they will help you out or point you to someone who will. The Flight Physical will take the longest to put together, just because of the paper-trail and appointments you have to set up. Just remember, you want to fly chinooks... ha, sorry, I had to throw that in.






Need anything else, just ask. I'm always on here. Good luck!







Thanks for the info! I was just concerned about the date because I just passed it. Didn't know if they really stuck true to that or not, but I should be able to extend the time needed if I decide to put in for WOFT. Should be able to find a WO around here that flies. Our Btl Capt and Btl Maj are Apache and Shithook....er Chinook pilots ;) and I've been picking their brains whenever I come up on a question about helos in general. I'll have to see if I can track down a WO pilot though. My CC is a F-15 driver and flight commander is a B-52 driver so plenty of O's around, just have to track down a WO! Sorry about the Chinook joke, couldn't resist :lol: When we flew in here we had so much gear we had to palletize it. Have done many slingloads, but first time I've ever been in a Chinook when they tip up the front of the bird to roll out the pallet like that. Pretty impressive!


Does the Army take prior service packages for WO's? Meaning if I decided to get out, would I be able to put in a package for WO down the road or would I have to go to OCS at that point? Also what is the deal if you don't make it though flight school (for whatever reason)...needs of the Army or you kicked out?


Thanks for the help!




Ha, I would say you are worried about the least important issue. Yes, the 1 year thing is in there, that's just so your enlistment doesn't lapse while you are in the process of or in WOCS. What they will have you do is just sign up for a year extension, if you are putting in a packet, it's not a big deal. As for the LOR's.. the Min is 3, Max I think is 6... I would suggest you get 1 from (atleast) an Army WO... CW3 or higher, 1 from your Commander, and I would suggest 1 from someone outside of the military... College Professor, a friend in a high level position somewhere, etc... something that would look good. I would also suggest just walking up to an Army WO, and talking to them about turning Army and putting in your packet, if they are cool, they will help you out or point you to someone who will. The Flight Physical will take the longest to put together, just because of the paper-trail and appointments you have to set up. Just remember, you want to fly chinooks... ha, sorry, I had to throw that in.






Need anything else, just ask. I'm always on here. Good luck!









Ha, it's all good with the chinook jokes. As for the question about taking apps from people who have been out for a bit, they do, but I will say that they will probably have a million questions about why you got out and want back in. Do I think that would lessen your chances? No, probably not. As for the question... what do they do with you if you fail out... You would have to really do something stupid to fail out. Shouldn't even think that way. More people are failing out because of SERE C than the actual flying portion. However, since you asked... I know a couple of people who have just flat gotten out of the military, and a couple who are being re-classed. Couldn't really tell you why each one went in different directions. You are probably asking cause you don't want to be stuck in a shitty MOS... If that is the case, I'm fairly certain you would get to pick what you would do in lieu of ... primarily based on your previous background, what MOS's you are qualified to go into.


The LOR's... Having an O grade sign one isn't a bad thing by any means, I would just suggest having a WO do it instead. After all, you are applying to be a WO, not an O grade.


Hope this all helps







Very helpful! The reason I ask about coming back in after I get out is I'm not really wanting to extend to wait for my package to go through. Don't really want to find out my package didn't make the cut (27% acceptal rate for Aviation) and then get stop lossed by the Air Force and sent back to sit at a desk again. I just recently started considering WOFT so I'm going to have to look into it more. What is SERE C? I've been through SERE's Combat Survival (SV80) and SERE's Artic Survival course, but not familar with SERE C. Must be an Army thing! And you nailed it on when I was asking about not making it through the course! I don't think my AFSC (Air Force's version of MOS) translates to the Army directly, but closest thing would probably be Field Artillery or a Forward Observer (although I'd be an overqualifed one). Just don't want to end up flipping burgers for 15 months in Iraq! As for aircraft selection how do you find out what you are going to be flying? Do you have much of a choice or is it "needs of the Army"? Thanks for the info!






Ha, it's all good with the chinook jokes. As for the question about taking apps from people who have been out for a bit, they do, but I will say that they will probably have a million questions about why you got out and want back in. Do I think that would lessen your chances? No, probably not. As for the question... what do they do with you if you fail out... You would have to really do something stupid to fail out. Shouldn't even think that way. More people are failing out because of SERE C than the actual flying portion. However, since you asked... I know a couple of people who have just flat gotten out of the military, and a couple who are being re-classed. Couldn't really tell you why each one went in different directions. You are probably asking cause you don't want to be stuck in a shitty MOS... If that is the case, I'm fairly certain you would get to pick what you would do in lieu of ... primarily based on your previous background, what MOS's you are qualified to go into.


The LOR's... Having an O grade sign one isn't a bad thing by any means, I would just suggest having a WO do it instead. After all, you are applying to be a WO, not an O grade.


Hope this all helps







HA! I highly doubt that you would end up in something like burger flipping, but maybe trash collector?? Nah, I honestly don't think that would end up that way, I'm pretty sure you still get to pick what branch that you would transfer to, if you fail out, you would just have to be accepted by that new branch. As for the SERE C, I know it's not just an Army thing. It's where you get to go camping out in the woods, survive while evading for a bit, then get your own 1 room apartment with no lights, and the friendly housekeepers give you water every couple of hours and take you on walks to rooms that you don't want to be in. Know what I'm talking about? It's really an enjoyable experience. You might also be focusing on the 27% acceptance more than you should. While I don't know for sure, but... I can only imagine some of the retards that get their hands on a packet and try for it. Hell, some of them make it, look at me! Make yourself a 'good catch' and put that bitch in, if you don't... I am pretty sure (I'm not good at math) that your chances are reduced significantly.






You may not like the chances of being accepted, but your chances of applying now (and extending) are better than taking your chances of finding a recruiting station that will work with you and be knowledgeable and/or flexible enough to help you put in a successful packet. Think it over carefully before you decide that isn't what you want to do.




You're under AFSOC, right? That's hardcore dude. I have a question that you or someone else here can probably answer. If I don't get picked up for a civilian WOFT slot, then I am going to enlist. I was hoping to enlist in the Air Force (possibly SERE cause that sounds like my cup of tea). My question is if I enlist with a 6 yr contract do I have to complete those 6 years before I can go Army? My recruiter told me that if I enlist (Army) I could be a WO in a year. Is that only if I go Army? In other words, if I enlist for X years (6 in the Air Force, 2 in the Army) do I need to wait that long before I can apply, or is it different for each branch? Thanks!




f**k SERE... Nothing against the guys that do it, but damn I hated that course. Sorry, I had to say it.







Posted (edited)


You're under AFSOC, right? That's hardcore dude. I have a question that you or someone else here can probably answer. If I don't get picked up for a civilian WOFT slot, then I am going to enlist. I was hoping to enlist in the Air Force (possibly SERE cause that sounds like my cup of tea). My question is if I enlist with a 6 yr contract do I have to complete those 6 years before I can go Army? My recruiter told me that if I enlist (Army) I could be a WO in a year. Is that only if I go Army? In other words, if I enlist for X years (6 in the Air Force, 2 in the Army) do I need to wait that long before I can apply, or is it different for each branch? Thanks!




I wish we were AFSOC so we could get some F*@#UIH money!!! In this job we have people from conventional forces all the way up through Ranger, SOF and yes even SOFD-D. I guess if you go SOFD-D then you are actually Army then, but you get the idea. I'm stuck with the conventional guys myself and with all the "Hearts and Minds" business now days we aren't doing much. A word of advice is to go with the four year contract. They hang that carrot out in front of you to go 6 year because you sew on rank faster and get a small bonus (I got $1,500 after taxes which I blew that weekend). If you do the 4 year tour you can get out that much faster if that's what you want to do (I would be almost done if not totally done with flight school on the outside right now instead of stuck in Baghdad this year AND Afghanistan last year) OR you can reup and get the fat check ($60,000 for 6 years in this job) sooner.


Another big thing is to get a job that is marketable to the outside in case you want to get out or are forced out (it's happening a lot right now to some jobs). With my job my choices on the outside world is pretty much Mall Security and Burger Flipper. Do yourself a favor and when they show you the cool video with the guys dropping bombs and jumping out of planes don't raise your hand...it doesn't translate to the civilian sector. If you do decide to go enlisted and then put in your package for an aviation job, why not get some knowledge that could help you in the long run? Two jobs I can think of off the top of my head that would work for both aviation and on the outside would be Weather and Air Traffic Control. Not real sure about how long you need to spend in before you can put in a package for WOFT. I would get in contact with a WOFT recruiter and talk to them. Hope it helps!


EDIT - As for SERE I looked into that too. Sounds cool, but basically you go through the schools and then you are a teacher for the rest of your career. Not so cool. Once again I don't see that translating to a job in the outside world...although you will be one surviving SOB! Good schools though. I've been through Combat Survival School and Arctic Survival School and liked them both. I bet FLHooker didn't enjoy it because he didn't escape from Combat Survival like I did :lol: CHICKEN OR BEEF!

Edited by goromadgo

Those punks wouldn't let us escape.. Said it would take away from it, cause then they would have to find us, capture us again, and we had the 'requirement' to stay in "fun camp" for a certain amount of time. I say that's a bunch of bull... If i escape, and evade capture until the end, damn... I WIN! Eh, whatever, I'm done.





I also second what Goromadgo said... The military is going to PAY for your training, and PAY you to go there. Take advantage of it, get something that's insanely expensive in the 'outside' world, it's a beautiful thing.






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