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OK welcome back yall!


As most of you know, I recently took over VR. I promised a new look to VR but no changes to the community, i.e. Forums, Chat, Blogs. After months of work modifying the "portal" side of VR, it seemed like this Forum was getting slower from a page loading standpoint. After many calls to Hostway (our web host) I found out that they were cramming our database on to a server with a sh*t load of others. They were also having an issue with our server. Not acceptable!


Anyway, a few days ago, I made a command decision to leave the long time host and go with the company who invented this very forum format....Invision Power Board (IPB). Even though the move increased the cost of hosting VR by a factor of 6x, it came with free upgrades and support of the Forum, Chat, and Blogs for which IPB invented. I would rather have the IPB gurus on our side and I am willing to pay more for performance, reliability, and support.


Perhaps this is too much information, but as the forum owner, I enjoy sharing my thought process with the people who matter the most in any website forum community.........it's visitors! Feedback, good or bad is welcome.


The molding of VR, with the intent to give all of it's visitors the information that they are looking for, thus far has been a tough transition road this past week. However, as the helicopter world changes around us, I hope to keep VR a very relevant source of information that HELPS folks in achieving their goals. With that in mind, more improvements are still ahead and I certainly appreciate your patience for hanging in there the last few days while we made some needed changes.


Thanks again! GomerPylot......you were restless and I hope you came back!


Thanks for this great site Lyn it kept me from buying into the SSH debacle.


Now it IS quicker, great work.


Wow the website is lightning fast. Seems twice as fast as before. Thanks Lyn

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