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If you want to loose money

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If you want to loose a ton of cash then I reccommend buying a new schweizer. I purchased a new 300c back in 2000 for $300,000. usd and cant give it away today. As far as their warranty goes, what a joke! Even after things like bad manufacturing of their h frames which hold the lower coupling drive shaft and an a.d .stating as much it was their fault they had no problem charging me $13,000 to replace it. I have sent these monkeys so many emails just on ordinary questions and havent had 1 response. Did you know that every single new schweizer sold by the dealer receives a commision of $50,000. You loose that right of the bat. And yes they are maintenance pigs. Better have lots of cash for that. Insurance here in Canada is $30,000, even with my instructor rating and about 800 hours on type. And if you ever go to there manufacturing plant in New York you will think your in a 3rd world country, its a pig sty. All I have now is a peice of sh@#t toy that I am to scared to fly cause it will break down. Just my $300,000 worth of opinion
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As far is training goes, I must say it is very forgiving and great for full on autos, I have about 60 hours on a r22 and the 300c beats it hands down, 600lbs in the cabin and 64 gallons of fuel you can fly all day, great for confined areas to on a hot day, it will get you in and out of any tight spots. Just dont buy one, especialy NEW, unless you like to piss your money away. Just my $300,000. worth of opinion
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Back in 2000 you could have had a fully loaded R44 Raven for under $300,000.


40 knots faster......

4 Baggage compartments......

Much less maintenance........

2 more full-size seats or one BIG baggage compartment......

Not to mention an awesome resale value.....


Yes, it holds more weight and can go in and out of confined areas better than a 22 on hot days with two people on board--but the 44 with only two people with full fuel will blow the skids off the 300C any day.


I don't really don't mean to kick you while you're down, but who con'd you in to buying that thing?!?!?



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X-Para, thats the one grand thing about this industry - networking. Its not what you know but who you know and if we can help right a wrong or help someone get a problem fixed then lets give it a shot.


Cant promise that it will succeed but we can but try.


Heli Ops  rotorheadsmiley

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