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Living / Training at Hillsboro Aviation

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So, I'm looking at possibly transferring to Hillsboro/PCC this Fall from Aims CC in Colorado. I have been looking at rentals and it seems that you can find relatively affordable places nearby. I will be going by myself and leaving my family here. Since it will be just me, it doesn't have to be the nicest place. I will be driving my car there, and I don't mind living further out.


Can anyone recommend some places to check out? Reasonable to me is within a 50-mile radius of Portland.


Also, I was looking at their training syllabus, which is set up a little different from ours here at Aims. I have my Private and Commercial done already. Here in Colorado the progression is Private-Commercial-CFI-Instrument. Will there be an issue getting the last 2 ratings done? It looks like Hillsboro incorporates your Instrument into your Commercial, unless I am seeing it wrong.


Anyone with firsthand knowledge of these subjects, I would appreciate the feedback. Thanks!

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My school also incorporated the IR in with the Com. That's generally done to save money, using that gap between the PPL and the Com (around 90hrs or so) for something more constructive than just time building.


What kind of issues are you concerned about with the last few ratings?

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No real issues I guess. I just wonder if I can still complete the last 2 in the order that I started here. So if I enroll in the Fall, would I be able to do CFI first, and Instrument last. I have already been in contact with Daniel Jones, who has been very helpful so far. He also is putting me in contact with the VA reps at PCC to answer some questions I have for them.

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DP, I will do that for sure, thank you.

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