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Source: Federaltimes.com


Report defends Transportation Department whistle-blower


A federal investigation has backed up a whistle-blower's contention that the Federal Aviation Administration was often slow to deal with helicopter safety problems, according to a report sent this week to the White House and Congress.


Patrick Massie, an aerospace engineer with the FAA's Aircraft Certification Service's Rotorcraft Directorate in Fort Worth, Texas, said the agency was slow to develop and publish directives which "resulted in significant and potentially dangerous delays, in some cases for years, in resolving unsafe conditions in helicopters," the Office of Special Counsel said in a news release. Airworthiness directives are legally enforceable rules issued to address unsafe conditions; they also spell out steps that owners and operators must take to fix those problems.


The OSC, which is responsible for protecting whistle-blowers.......


See full article: http://www.federaltimes.com/article/20101229/AGENCY03/12290301/


Makes you wonder Bossman

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I'm an RHC Service Center and we got two SB's dated 12/20/10 and they might become AD's later. Maybe this will have a change for the better.


I saw those. I wonder if any of the delayed AD's have anything to do with Robbies.....also, do you happen to have a set of 22 -4 blades you want to sell?


(edit) Link to SB 78 and 79 here for those that haven't seen it. http://www.robinsonheli.com/rhc_r44_service_library_float.html

Edited by Goldy
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