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AV Gas


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It's really, REALLY bad if if you're on fire :D


Seriously, if you have some skin contact (occasionally) it's not too bad as it is volatile enough that it evaps pretty quickly in normal environments (of course, unless you have very sensitive skin). Just wash up at earliest opportunity and try not to wear exposed clothing for long periods after contact. Definitely avoid prolonged exposure without proper PPE.


Next time yer at the fuel farm or have the truck come by, talk with the "older" guys...they'll give you the rundown.



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So how long does it take AV gas to eat threw blacktop? My flight instructor said not to toss the fuel sump gas on the blacktop/runway because it will eat a hole in it.


Yea that's BS.


The reasons for not dumping your sample are environmental (tetra-ethyl lead), and financial if you get caught.

Edited by Shaun
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Yea that's BS.


The reasons for not dumping your sample are environmental (tetra-ethyl lead), and financial if you get caught.


An instructor told me once, that it was a $1000 fine! :o So I bought a strainer to pour it back into the tank.


I've actually dabbed a bit on my hands to help clean off the oil and grease, but who knows,...I could be sterile now? :blink:

Edited by r22butters
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An instructor told me once, that it was a $1000 fine! :o So I bought a strainer to pour it back into the tank.


I've actually dabbed a bit on my hands to help clean off the oil and grease, but who knows,...I could be sterile now? :blink:


Well it's apparently OK to dump it out on the concrete or gravel, just not the grass or asphalt at this airport :blink: Of course this place is a hole in the wall small airport.

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Yea that's BS.

The reasons for not dumping your sample are environmental (tetra-ethyl lead), and financial if you get caught.


Fuel does degrade asphalt... How many gas stations do you know of with asphalt parking pads right next to the fuel pump?

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Yea that's BS.



I should post a picture of the asphalt next to our fuel pump here. Avgas softens/dissolves the tar, like a road on a hot summer day.



Getting it on your hands?

It's not healthy for your skin. Oldtimers in the bush here would drain a little fuel onto their hands to check for water when doing the daily inspection, then use it to wash off the grease. You can tell because their hands now look like this


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Obviously avoid it but how bad is it to get AV gas on you?


I got avgas on me once: I'm putting on weight; my hair's falling out; my vision and hearing are failing... Some people say I'm just getting old, but I don't buy it, I'm only 62. Really, it's not a thing (unless you're on fire), here's a link to good info:





On a side note- Sump and dispose of fuels, etc., properly. I haven't seen a professional throw a sample on the deck since the time when throwing empty beer bottles, other trash out the car window was acceptable. It won't "eat hole on the asphalt", it will soften it, but that's all beside the point- Leaving a mess is rude, even if it's not a big smoking heap type obvious mess. It makes you look an absolute jerk.

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Ok heres the deal im an f-16 fuel systems mechanic and i get fuel on me ALLL the time i live in it, after about 30 minutes it will turn into like a sunburn on your skin, after that it hurts worse but youll be fine of course this is jp-8 jet fuel. I get a physical every year cause of it and im fine... hope this helps!

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Ok heres the deal im an f-16 fuel systems mechanic and i get fuel on me ALLL the time i live in it, after about 30 minutes it will turn into like a sunburn on your skin, after that it hurts worse but youll be fine of course this is jp-8 jet fuel. I get a physical every year cause of it and im fine... hope this helps!


Matt- do us all a favor and wear some high cuff gloves! What may seem like nothing at a younger age may just do you in long term. Fuel of any kind just isnt healthy.


Besides, Jet Fuel deserves to be burned in a can, preferably making a nice "whooosh" sound!

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Avgas softens/dissolves the tar, like a road on a hot summer day.



Most asphalt concrete at airports does not contain tar. I can't imagine a fuel sample "eating a hole" in that, especially since line workers spill much larger amounts on it all the time.

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