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This place is a ghost town. Anyone else trying to get in?

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I'm about to graduate BCT and report for WOCS on 11 August. Me and a few of the other candidates are looking for tips/pointers on how to excel as a candidate. I won't have any access to the internet until next weekend, but I can tell you all 5 of us here @ Ft. Leonard Wood will appreciate pointers tremendously.

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How are you on computers? I didn't get to touch a computer until the last week of WOCS.


Anyways, by going to BCT you are already more prepared than most of the other candidates you are going to be with. They are all going to have to readjust to being in that environment whereas for you it's going to seem easy. Just go with the flow, read your WOC SOP, and stop worrying about it!

Edited by SBuzzkill
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I am! Going for the MEPS physical on August 2nd and then the AFAST on August 9th. Have been going over the ARCO book a lot and also have been reading, re-reading and highlighting the FAA Rotorcraft Manual. Took the practice test in the ARCO book and based on content questions (no background or self description) I score correctly on 85/100 questions. Dunno what that means or if that's a good start, but I only missed 1 question on the complex movements! And yes I timed myself on the test and didn't cheat to fill more in! Hope it's a good start. We'll see. Been posting on my forum of my progress, will update around the second week of August!




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Mr. Blades is mine. Im a huge guy (6'4" 235) so my IP and stickbuddy are both 5'5". My stickbuddy is Afgani Army. Its been interesting.



Grats on getting to Primary! A buddy of mine who's also in my unit (NH Guard) is in Ranger flight with you. His name is WO1 Koladish. I know he said he's having a blast, too!


Sbuzzkill, where are you at with things? On hold for aircraft AQC?



- Jeremy Gray

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Leaving for Fort Drum once I get done with the course.


The course itself is pretty nice. I don't think it is possible to fail out of it. We don't get in to class until 0900, lunch break at 1130-1300 and we are done by 2 or 3 usually.

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