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Possible Solution To The "GI Bill Loophole"

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I've had an idea that I think might be a solution to all of the schools taking advantage of veteran students and their GI Bill.


A little background about myself: I originally attended one school (I'm going to leave names out of this, since that's not what I want this post to be about) for about a year before the VA cut their funding. I switched to another flight school which I have now been at for about half a year. The problem is that the new flight school I'm at is absolutely terrible. This new program is also far more expensive. The school I was at that had their VA funding cut was a much, much better school.


So what if there was a flight school run by the FAA, and that was the only school that was approved for the GI Bill? My main concern is that putting the FAA in charge of anything seems like a terrible idea. They aren't known for their wisdom. However, rather than having all of these privately owned schools getting rich by taking advantage of the millions and millions of dollars the VA is putting out, all of the money would go to increasing FAA funding with no increase to taxpayer costs. That would in turn benefit the entire aviation community rather than just a couple flight school owners.


To me, I think I would be willing to put up with a bit of a bureaucratic headache getting through flight school if it meant I was getting good training from good instructors, and my VA benefits weren't being taken advantage of.


I'm certainly no expert though, which is why I've come here. For those of you that have far more experience in the industry than I do, what are your thoughts on this? Thanks!

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So what you are proposing is a central location where all VA pilot training would take place? Like a civilian fort rucker. I dont think that would even be legal. A tax payer funded, government run flight school created to train pilots for the civilian world? Tax payer funded meaning the entire FAA flight school structure would be FAA employees.


What people are failing to realize, and maybe its a generational thing, but 15 years ago vets were putting themselves through flight school on the GI Bill. I did it. And people I went through school with had regular jobs, they flew on the weekends or on their days off, they seemed to be a bit older than the students I see going through schools now. I was married with kids and actually had a separate career. Although I ended up as an LE pilot, I footed my entire way through CFI Airplane and RW using the GI Bill. The CFIs seemed to rotate out into the "real world" back filled by other low time CFI's coming in behind them. We didnt have B205 check outs, NVG endorsements, turbine long line. We did it in S300s and R22s. You left your school at about 200hrs or so as a CFII and found a job somewhere teaching. I finished up my commercial helicopter and had two job offers to work part time flying. I was even teaching as an airplane CFI at a local school on the weekends. There weren't these multi million dollar VA funded CFI factories. You went down to the local airport and took lessons. And yeah, for many it required moving or relocating or commuting. Was it perfect? No. But it was a great balance. If you wanted to be a pilot you made it happen. And what you didnt see was a 2 hour line for one tour operator at Heli-Success with pilots trying to just hand in a resume. ( I didnt see it, but Ive heard it from many who go to that seminar)


in the late 90s early 2000's we were still being told about the Vietnam pilots retiring....being told about the pilot shortage..... fast forward 15 years, those pesky Vietnam pilots are apparently still holding you all hostage and the pilot shortage is getting worse despite having put thousands of pilots through school (hmmmmm.... maybe its a proven sales tactic and nothing more?)


So what does all that mean? It means that we had an honest system that used to work. Yes it took a buy in on the part of the student. No we didnt get done with a Bachelors or an AA. But we managed to move on and get jobs.

Edited by Flying Pig
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I remember when it didn't take an hour to drive 20 miles,...times change! A two hour line at Helisuccess just for one tour operator, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,...awesome!

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I've had an idea that I think might be a solution to all of the schools taking advantage of veteran students and their GI Bill.


Flight schools only take advantage of those who allow them to i.e. no one is twisting your arm to attend a specific school. Basically, it’s not a flight school or GI benefit issue. It’s an unsuspecting student making the wrong choice in a flight school. Simply put, the helicopter flight training sector is a "buyer-beware" market and if you don’t do your homework in earnest, you only have yourself to blame…. Plus, if anyone truly has the desire to fly for a living, they find a way, with-or-without assistance from anyone…….

Edited by Spike
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I think this is a good thing honestly. I have seen far too many people with the worst attitude towards this education benefit. I have heard people actually say that they don't care about it, because it was free. It's been frustrating to see those types of people, while motivated people are waiting behind them. You have people who want to do this and work hard, but a spot at the school is taken by some slug who is only doing it because it's "neat and free". In a few more semesters, all that will be left are the ones who truly want to do this, and the proof of that is that they will be investing their own money into their education and career.

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I doubt there are any private pay students being turned away. Due to the 85/15 rule. Some of the schools that have been suspend is because they couldn't fill the private student slots.

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