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Time In Service/AFS Waiver

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Hi all,

I've been trying to do my research like everyone else but am coming up a little dry on the 12 year active federal service/TIS limit that I've seen referenced. If I'm not mistaken, its a general requirement for the WO program overall, and there's no exceptions for WOFT or anything of the sort?


If so, does anyone know if its waiverable, and if so how likely or not they are? I imagine its less of an issue than other waivers but nothing really would surprise me nowadays.

Reason I ask is I'm currently a Navy reservist approaching my 11th year, and am about to get deployement orders that would see me return a month shy of starting my 12th year. Flying is my biggest goal for the military, so if its a go/no go requirement I need to start taking some action on short order to get seperated and out of this deployment, which I obviously don't to do unless I absolutly have to; and even then it would be a big hit to my resume.

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Administrative Requirements:

  • US Citizenship. (No Waivers)
  • High school graduate or have a GED (No Waivers)
  • FINAL Secret or Top Secret Security Clearance - Interim clearances will not satisfy the requirement!
  • Pass the standard 3-event Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) and meet height/weight standards.
  • APFT must be current and not older than six months by the time the applicants packet will be boarded.
  • Pass the commissioning physical for technical specialties or the Class 1 (warrant officer candidate) flight physical for Aviators.
  • All applicants must have 12 months remaining on their enlistment contract.
  • Active Federal Service (AFS): All applicants must have 12 years of AFS or less prior to their packet being boarded.
  • Applicants must submit an AFS waiver request with the application if they have 12 or more years of AFS.
  • Age Requirements: For 153A, 33rd birthday or less prior to their packet being boarded.
  • For all other WO MOS', 46th birthday or less prior to their packet being boarded.
  • Applicants must submit an Age waiver request with the application if they exceed the age requirements specified.

  1. The prime candidate for WO has 5 - 8 years of active federal service (AFS) and meets all other prerequisites. You can apply regardless of AFS but require a waiver if you have 12 years or more of AFS. The standard for approving an AFS waiver is more stringent than for a prerequisite waiver. The age limit for Technicians is 46 yrs old.
  2. If either of these two waivers apply - prerequisite or AFS - you must submit them with your application to determine if the waivers will be approved. You cannot submit the waiver first and wait for the outcome to determine if you should submit an application. If any of the waivers are not approved, then you are not qualified and your application will be returned.

I don't know where you pulled TIS, but TIS and AFS are NOT the same. As a reservist I doubt you are even close to having 12 years AFS.

Below is the website; Army Guard and Reserve have to abide by Active Duty rules.


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  • Active Federal Service (AFS): All applicants must have 12 years of AFS or less prior to their packet being boarded.

I don't know where you pulled TIS, but TIS and AFS are NOT the same. As a reservist I doubt you are even close to having 12 years AFS.

I agree with Jaswhee. I am currently in the Air National Guard, with over 12 years TIS when I boarded in November. I was selected with no waiver required. My AFS is around 5 years. Unless you have been a Reservist on Active Duty for the entire 11 years, your AFS will not be close.

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