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I need clip art of an R44. Corel would be perfect, but I'll take .gif if that's what you have.


I've been looking around but can't seem to find what I need.


You can email them to me @ jhouston@estreet.com or post them here.


Thank you!


I have tons of pictures, but I need clipart for doing some images on business cards, web site design, logo, etc. The outline of an R44 from the side, and/or at an angle would be great.


I have Corel 10, but am not good enough with it to convert any of my raw images to a gif. I need the image of the aircraft only...not the background.


Something like this:


The first one was created in corel, then exported as a .gif.





Do you have an R-22 shot like that? This kinda gave me an idea for a tattoo.

Do you have an R-22 shot like that? This kinda gave me an idea for a tattoo.


Um...maybe you should re-think that....


How about a nice 206 or Astar? Anything but a 22.

Posted (edited)
Um...maybe you should re-think that....


How about a nice 206 or Astar? Anything but a 22.


Haha! Yeah.... I know it's not the coolest looking bird, but I've had 60 blissful hours in that baby so far. After my private check ride on Friday, I fully intend to get a helicopter tattoo to symbolize the single most meaningful accomplishment of my (nearly) 24 years. Even with the SFAR and low rotor inertia, I'll always remember my first. :D

Edited by ADRidge
Haha! Yeah.... I know it's not the coolest looking bird, but I've had 60 blissful hours in that baby so far. After my private check ride on Friday, I fully intend to get a helicopter tattoo to symbolize the single most meaningful accomplishment of my (nearly) 24 years. Even with the SFAR and low rotor inertia, I'll always remember my first. :D


At least get the Beta II :blink: I can imagine the looks your going to get in an interview one day....is that...is that an R22?? And by then youre gonna lie...No, no its uhh...its a uh KMAX yeah


From the XX chromosomal side of things....R22 tattoo?? Please don't. Everyone has fond memories and I suppose it's "cute" as far as helicopters go....so unless you want a cute tattoo.... wait til you climb into a AS350 or a MD500 or something else at least once. :)

Although I will agree I have seen way worse. :P


Haha. Geez, I think you folks have finally talked me out of it.

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