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Yeah, I just saw that. R.I.P. Glad no patients got hurt at least.


First, the obligitory disclaimer: I'm very glad no one was badly hurt. But I'm also very curious about what went wrong- not to cast any stones, but to learn about hazards and how to avoid them. Eventually we'll get an NTSB report and the usual assement of "the pilot failed to..." but in the meantime, I can't help but wonder what went wrong so spectacularly. The GRR weather looks fairly benign at the time of the accident, but there could have been some variable winds at the time, although light (being under 5 kts if the METARS and wxunderground can be believed) and the temp was rising but still moderate (~60 F), so WTF??? Sudden wind shift? Nr Droop? Dynamic rollover after touchdown? Engine failure? There but for the grace of God go us... :o If anybody has more info regarding the type of ship, helipad conditions , etc, I, for one would find it quite fascinating (to borrow a phrase from Mr. Spock). Not that I'm very hopeful, since the lawsuit stormclouds are building on the near horizon and you'd have to expect all those involved to be reticent in self defense, but if there's any reliable data available, please share it - Alice is curious!


Strange, the article I read (not the one that was linked) said there were 2 fatalities. Well it's great news that they were wrong!

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