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My wife and I always say..."Safety FIRST"....with driving, whatever...we usually make it as a joke! BUT...when it comes to flying....safety first, right? We all have done some crazy SH*T, even ME! The older I get, the more cautious I am...I actually think before I do something...although the wife may not agree with that....I digress!


Check out the video.....


What's wrong with this picture? I've seen another video of a guy holding his kid, while there flying along in an A-Star with no seatbelt. And the guy(Daddy) seems a bit larger, so you think he's under 240 in that seat with dear sweet Caleb(sarcasm intentional)? Let's keep Mom on the ground, buckle Caleb in the damn seat next to Daddy, and away you go! My buddy took his wife and kid, and put his damn kid in a seatbelt! The 44 is a 4 seater, not a 5 seater..wait for the R-66 to come out, then take Caleb, Daddy, and Mommy, oh and the girl up front too! I'd smack the pilot! :angry:


It did remind me of the first flight with my wife, no door, in a 22! The girl in this video, had pretty much the same death grip of the door frame as my wife! :D


Any thoughts....or am I just being a douche'? :D




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I don't know it off the top of my head but there is a reg that states children under 2 years can or must sit in someones lap. I think they have to leave another seat empty though. Although that kid looked older than 2 and I agree, someone should've stayed back and put the kid in a seat.

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from the comments:

How much did that ride cost?


You've gained a lot of weight lately -- did they charge extra?




$20 total that included the both of us.


No, I lied about my weight to get that price.


I assume he must be kidding..

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I saw a privately owned R44 on the ramp with a carseat in the backseat just last week. When are carseat laws going to apply to aircraft??


They should have had a scale at the LZ, no question. I've gotten pretty good at eyeballing men, women and children over the years, breaking my back at weight-dependent tours (horseback riding, dogsledding, helicopters). People lie by an average of 15-20lbs. Gotta add a 15lb fudge factor to EVERY LAST PERSON. Better yet....ALWAYS have a scale. Numbers don't lie. I LOVE giving tours and lessons, but I'll save my life and not think twice about your embarrassment or your 20 bucks! :angry:

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The regulations allow kids under 2 years to ride in the lap of an adult. Do I agree? Is it safe? Sure something could always happen. It's done all the time on the airlines and part 135 operators are no different.


Let me tell you one such situation. I was waiting for my manifest and passengers(we hot load) and got the manifest and it stated 6 passengers with 2 "lappers" we called them. In other words to kids uner 2 riding in their parents laps. That meant in all I had 9 of us in an Astar. It was interesting to say the least.


Is it something I would do with my own kid? No I don't think I would. I would rather have them in a seat belt or aviation approved car seat. It's not my really my decision, yes I supose I could as PIC not allow it. That's not something I am going to so though unless the type of flight dictated(high risk flight) I souldn't have kids on board.

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I put a sign up for work for helicopter rides, but I did put at the bottom, must be under 230 lbs! I flew my buddy who was about 238 lbs in a 22B, and I couldn't believe how much right cyclic I was holding to keep us level in a hover! I was flying with Baby Huey....pun intended!


Yes, under 2 and you can ride on the lap of Mommy/Daddy! BUT, I would never do that in a small aircraft, I just wouldn't. On an airline, I've done it in the past, but I gripped that kid the whole flight!


Scales don't lie....TUBBY! :D You go Emily!


JD...9 total in an A-Star.....YIKES!


My old CFI p/u a helicopter in N Cal a few years ago, and took the carseat with him, and his kid rode in the back of a 206L in his carseat! Safety first!


Glad to see I'm not the only one who feels this way! Thx!



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Depending on the local FSDO, you may be illegal for overloading that helicopter (too many people, not weight).......


Even though the reg says that persons under two years old may be carried on a lap w/o a seat belt, the type certificate still says the maximum amount of people that are allowed in the aircraft.


On airlines where this usually takes place, their are always plenty of unused "seats". Big jets can seat hundreds of people, but rarely are configured for their max seating. So the TCDS may say it's rated for 500 people (which would be in "cattle car" config), but with first class and more leg room, it may only seat 400 adults--leaving an extra 100 open "seats"


I had a buddy get in trouble with his Hughes 269B (EDIT: Th-55 or A model, not B) over this. He frequently flew with his g/f and her >2 y/o on her lap. FAA said NO since the heli is only rated for 2 people. If he had a 269C model, the kid could have been on her lap since the helicopter was rated for 3 people.


We have a great FSDO here, staffed mostly with ex-Army helicopter pilots who all hold A&Ps. Great group of people that rarely go after the helicopter guys. Couldn't believe they took this stance, but it makes sense!


The helicopter is rated for "X amount of persons". How can you put more in? The rules say you only have to have seat belts for those over 2 years old; it does not say that those under 2 are not considered persons.


Just food for thought.


BTW, there are FAA approved car seats out there. Don't know the details, but there are. I think the FAA adaopts a standard DOT rating or style.

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Guest pokey
I had a buddy get in trouble with his Hughes 269B over this. He frequently flew with his g/f and her >2 y/o on her lap. FAA said NO since the heli is only rated for 2 people. If he had a 269C model, the kid could have been on her lap since the helicopter was rated for 3 people.



el wrongo ole buddy ole pal, the B is 3 seats (at least mine is). B) A & TH-55 are 2, i dunno about the CB---never even been close to one of them.


floods in your area? stay dry ;)

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BTW, there are FAA approved car seats out there. Don't know the details, but there are. I think the FAA adaopts a standard DOT rating or style.


91.107 talks about the "child restraint systems" requirements. Reading through it I get get the impression that most modern car seats are certified for airplanes but I could be wrong.


Edit: My sister is visiting right now and she has a car seat with her. Hers has the labels required on it for aircraft use but it also says that it only can be used in aircraft when used with the harness provided and not when used as a booster seat.

Edited by wrangler
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el wrongo ole buddy ole pal, the B is 3 seats (at least mine is). B) A & TH-55 are 2, i dunno about the CB---never even been close to one of them.


floods in your area? stay dry ;)


Yeah, maybe it was a Th-55 or an A converted to a B? Whatever the case, it has the center console that runs down the middle between the 2 seats. PIC is on the right side. Rated for 2 per the TCDS.


All the flooding is is about 30 miles north of me.....my area flooded back in March (I live way up in the hills though.) Been doing a ton of part time work for the news stations flying around the flooded areas--the waters crested last weekend and haven't flown since!

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Even if you have a supposedly aircraft-approved car seat, that doesn't mean that air carriers will permit you to use them. I've seen this time and time again, flying with my children, "Sir, you're going to have to check that seat as special luggage."

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