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California VR people

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We were flying at the time, heard about it from John Wayne tower. We checked the overpasses and reservoirs, nothing looked worse for the wear. Of course 911 lit up like a Christmas tree, because every goof and their brother wants to call and ask "what happened".

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Darn It!! You mean the earthquake on the San Andreas fault didn't drop California off into the Pacific Ocean? I am devastated! I was hoping for something bigger to take more people out so all the Californians would stop moving up here to Oregon raising real estate prices. Just kidding! Glad it was a minor one. I am a California retread now living in Oregon for 18 yrs plus and have lots of friends and family there in Calif.

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I was at work under our covered patio eating my lunch, paused as it started to shake, once the shaking subsided....I continued to eat my lunch.....if you freak out because of EQ, then you should either A) please move out of the state of CA(no offense) or B) Stop being a pansey...and buck up! :) It was fine, both buildings were empty in about 45 seconds....all the Einsteins standing next to the building or under the bridge.....did I mention both bridge and buildings are covered in glass?? AH..if someone would have been taken out by a glass....it's just natural selection! LOL


My .02!




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I was at work under our covered patio eating my lunch, paused as it started to shake, once the shaking subsided....I continued to eat my lunch.....if you freak out because of EQ, then you should either A) please move out of the state of CA(no offense) or B) Stop being a pansey...and buck up! :) It was fine, both buildings were empty in about 45 seconds....all the Einsteins standing next to the building or under the bridge.....did I mention both bridge and buildings are covered in glass?? AH..if someone would have been taken out by a glass....it's just natural selection! LOL


My .02!






lol rob!


I remember sleeping through the northridge earthquake. I would have slept through the entire thing had my sister not woken me up. This one however, made me a bit nervous because of my current working situation.


I work in a supply room (I'm a lowley file clerk!), and I was sitting and scanning a few things into the system. It started to shake a little and I thought it was a truck pulling into the shipping bay. I stood up, and there's a few 60 pound boxes stacked 3 boxes high. They started to bounce (I'm 4 foot 11, and I was reaching to push em so they didn't fall over).


Ahh, I hate this room.

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