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Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice...?


They're hiring again?  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. They interviewed me last year, yet still rejected me. Should I try again this year? (it'll cost around $1500 to go to the interview)

    • yes
    • no

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I don't really know why they didn't hire me last year (they seemed to really like me), but I don't want (can't really afford) to piss away another $1500 on, "If one of the other pilots doesn't work out, we'll give you a call."


So, would you try again?

Edited by eagle5
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Need more details. What company? Did they ask you back for an interview, or are you going there of your own accord?


If they asked you back for another interview I'd go. If they knew they weren't going to take you they wouldn't ask you back again. That means you have a shot, and what more can you ask for in this industry?

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If they indicated a, “you’re next in line” kind of attitude last year and currently have an open position, you should have called them yesterday……


And, if the above is the case, why didn’t you keep in contact with these folks over the past year? If ya would have, there might not be an open position being advertised requiring you to consider spending another 15-hun…..


Stop typing and call them… NOW!

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It depends on if they're atheist or not.


Good one! :lol:


Its just an R44 tour gig. The pay is really, really low. However last year he did give me a copy of the POH with a company cover on it, and his business card,...one more reason I was a bit shocked that I didn't get it!


I was gonna call yesterday when I saw the ad, but decided to just send my resume instead. I don't meet all of their requirements this time which makes me a bit aprehensive about calling. I fear that he'll just say, "yeah sure, just come out for an interview" , then I'll get there and again, "just miss the cut"!


If he really meant it when he said "If it doesn't work out with one of the other pilots, I'll give you a call", then why didn't he call when he needed someone?


This guy called me several times before the last interview (even left a message the first time,...what employer does that?,...most would just move on to the next resume!) A lot of mixed signals, which again, makes me aprehensive!


Maybe I'll call tomarow?


Its Helicopter Adventures in Myrtle Beach, in case anyone has first hand experience?

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The ad also says, "No phone calls"!


Who says you’re calling about the ad? You’re calling as a follow-up to last year’s interview….. However, now that I’ve let the cat out of the bag…..


Email.... Like yesterday....

Edited by Spike
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I was gonna call yesterday when I saw the ad, but decided to just send my resume instead. I don't meet all of their requirements this time which makes me a bit aprehensive about calling. I fear that he'll just say, "yeah sure, just come out for an interview" , then I'll get there and again, "just miss the cut"!


If he really meant it when he said "If it doesn't work out with one of the other pilots, I'll give you a call", then why didn't he call when he needed someone?


This guy called me several times before the last interview (even left a message the first time,...what employer does that?,...most would just move on to the next resume!) A lot of mixed signals, which again, makes me aprehensive!


I didn't bother to vote, because it's a personal decision and I have no interest in telling you what to decide. I'll make a few observations, however. You're not qualified for the job. You don't have a high opinion of the job (one doesn't refer to jobs one really wants using qualifiers such as "just a..."). You don't like the pay. Why would you throw away good money after bad on a job for which you're not qualified, that you don't want, and that pays sub-peanuts? Sounds like you're trying to justify pursuing it, but you may want to examine the job in the light of day, and also your own motivation.


If you find yourself looking at pictures of Robinsons while you contemplate the job, and find yourself telling yourself "self, that could be me, if I take the job," then you're probably doing some internal justifying. Remember that justification is the narcotic of the soul.


The competitive minimums are the ones you must beat. If the job advertises 1100 hours and everyone shows up for the interview with 8,000 hours (happens when jobs are scarce), then the competitive mins just went up to eight thousand hours. It's not what's published that you need to beat, it's what everyone else has, who applies.


Send your resume. See what they say. You don't need to accept the interview, do you?


I turned down a job today, during a phone interview. Good job, good people, but I said no. I do that with some regularity; it's far better to apply to a lot of places and turn most down, than apply to one or two and confine yourself to a narrow field of choices. Power in the job market is the ability to choose, and you expand your power base in proportion to the number of choices that you make available to yourself.

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I was really hoping for some responses from someone who's been in this situation. One who could say, yeah my company rejected me one year, then hired me the next, or no forget it, if they rejected you once it means they'll never be interested, dispite the positive sounding teases they leave you with!


As usual in life, I'm just gonna have to shoot the dice and see what happens,...problem is, I haven't won at craps in a long, long time!


Maybe I'll just go and see what the hell SIFT is, and what it is always so primed and ready to do, then call it a day?

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Why? What does it matter what OTHER people have experienced. Again, as you sit there and seek insight from others while over-analyzing the situation, your position is weakening by the minute. I mean really? A poll? Truly, by what you’ve indicated in your posts alone, I’d say your confidence is lacking.


Stop what you’re doing and send an email IMMEDIATELY. Shoot, I’ll even write the dam thing for ya……



Hi Mr. So-n-so (the guy’s name),


I’m not sure if you remember me, but last year I applied for an HAI Tour Pilot position and after my interview, you left me with a very positive impression. I’d like you to know, I thoroughly enjoyed talking with you and appreciate time you spent with me and the POH you gave me has been extremely useful.


With that, I see the Tour Pilot position is available once again. Having already interviewed for the position, I respectfully ask if you would consider me for the Tour Pilot position with HAI.


I believe I can make a good contribution to your operation and an interview might be arranged at your convenience.





Edited by Spike
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I was really hoping for some responses from someone who's been in this situation. One who could say, yeah my company rejected me one year, then hired me the next, or no forget it, if they rejected you once it means they'll never be interested, dispite the positive sounding teases they leave you with!


I would disregard any post that told you what to do specifically. We can only offer some advice, which is what has been done. Chances are none of us know you personally. We dont know your experience, your life situation. Are kids affected, wife.... I dont know... are you even a dude or are you a chick? I have no idea actually. I am reading the posts here, and people are giving you pointers, and things to consider. Thats about as good as it is going to get. Spike is giving you some great tips and even wrote a sample letter for you. avbug is giving you some ideas to evaluate if your heart is really in it or not. Rotortramp even offered some spirtitual advice. ;) These are guys who are in the industry. You didnt get the job last time, you are unsure about whether or not you want to try again, so whats to lose by writing a letter or making a call about your interview last year? Thats a great way to get a vibe. And if they slam the phone down on you...... theres your answer. People are giving you great advice on ways to bring you to your answer.


Even if someone had been in that similiar scenario, it would be impossible to match the life choices one person makes to those made by someone else. Believe me..... We've all been in a position where we wish someone could just tell us what to do.


If you need a job, and this is an opportunity for you, you cant beat the advice given here on this board. Whether or not you have $1500 to blow on travel, well....... thats up to you to decide. If you want to give me your bank account number, PIN and social security number, I can take a look at your bank account and evaluate your financial situation for a small fee :D

Edited by Flying Pig
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I called him earlier, and as I figured would happen, I got the machine,...so I left a message. Will he call back? I don't know?,...he did last year though! Will I call again?,...who knows?


My fear is that he actually will invite me up for an interview, and that I'll just be wasting money again! (hence the poll)


Yes, I'm a pessimist! I believe that last year he just changed his mind about me (for whatever reason) after meeting me, and would never hire me,...and therefore was just being polite!


However there's still that part of me that wants to believe that not all employers are lying when they say, "you're next in line" as Spike put it?


Thus my internal conflict!


Poll or not, if he invites me up, I'll probably go,...'cause sadly I've got nothing better to do anyways!

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In this business, you can’t move forward with doubt in your mind. With that, I’m finished with attempting to help with this particular situation.


However, for those who are interested, this is an example of what not to do. If you’re interested with a particular job, do whatever it takes to get some face-time. Either via interview, or just showing up. You must sell yourself and you can’t do this over the phone or by email. And, you cannot doubt yourself. EVER! You must be fully confident with your skills and abilities because, rest assured, your competition is… NEVER wait for it to happen. You must MAKE IT HAPPEN!

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Follow up! You should have his cell phone from last year and email. Also try adding the *67 before the number so it shows up blocked. Sometimes people answer blocked numbers.


But, I would look into all the crap they are getting from neighbors. The town is trying to force his helipad out of the area. He won a recent case but they are appealing again.


The interview was a good time last year flying around the rolling hills.

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That's because you misunderstood the question in this thread!


Okay. Hereyago…


“So, would you try again?”


I wouldn’t have needed to because I would have already secured the job. How would've I done that? By simply staying in contact with the operator over the past year and thus building the relationship. In fact, because after the initial interview, he gave me the “your next in line” warm-and-fuzzy feeling so when the position again became available, he actually called me! Why? Cuz I simply made the effort……


In this case, between you and I, if one of us has a misunderstanding, it most likely isn’t me……..

Edited by Spike
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