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From Day 1 to Selection

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Currently processing for WOFT. Im new to the website and have utilized the search bar and cannot get an exact answer. Can I be told what all is needed from beginning to end? Im cleared through MEPS, 111 GT, and taking the SIFT next week. LORs are all in. Essay is written and typed. Transcripts and diploma turned in. My biggest deal is the flight physical. My recruiting station has recruiters saying interview/flight physical before selection board. Others are saying the interview is the day of and the flight physical is after being told yes for Warrant. The second statement makes zero sense to me.

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Flight Physical comes before the BN interview, be sure to get that scheduled immediately after the SIFT as it will most likely be a 2 day process with a long drive. BN interview is at the recruiting BN and there is a chance of no aviators on the board (at least mine did not have any.)


From here you have and in this order:


2. Flight Physical

3. BN interview


Edit: and do not forget your full length photo before the BN interview

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For civilian applicants you will have to go through all the same steps as a normal enlistment plus the building of your WOFT application.



2.MEPS physical

3. Flight phys

4. Build enlistment packet (SF86, etc.)

5. Build WOFT packet (LORs, official photo, Resume, essay, DA61, etc.)

6. BN board (at this point your entire packet should be complete and will be reviewed by board members)

7. Packet including results from BN board are sent to USAREC for the selection process.

8. The never ending wait for the selection results (for civilians usually the second or third day of the posted board dates).


Steps 4&5 can and should be worked on from the start of the process. That is the order in which they should be accomplished before moving to the next step. Hope that helps

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Is the BN interview the selection day? Or is there another interview required?

The BN interview is to see if your recruiting command wants to endorse you as a warrant officer. The usarec interview is what selects you to be a warrant officer. If you bomb the first one I doubt you'd get scored well enough for the second one or even make it to it.
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I think your recruiter is thinking the WOFT application is like OCS where you find out if you made it the day of the in person interview. It is the same board as OCS in terms of who's there and when it is, but it might have different questions. After this board you still have the National board (if you wanna call it that) where your packet competes, but not you in person.

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I think your recruiter is thinking the WOFT application is like OCS where you find out if you made it the day of the in person interview. It is the same board as OCS in terms of who's there and when it is, but it might have different questions. After this board you still have the National board (if you wanna call it that) where your packet competes, but not you in person.

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How do I quote some ones reply then reply to it...Im screwing this all up. But yeah Griffin I think youre right. Theyve put a lot through OCS but havent put one Warrant through. Which worries me...but that sounds like what theyre thinking. They had me thinking I would hit this Oct. 27th deadline and from this information I will for sure be pushed back to January 5th.

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I do not know where you are getting your dates from, are you sure they are not talking about the BN board date? In that case as long as you got your flight physical done quickly you should be able to make the BN. It's always nice to have an idea what needs to be done. Make a list and if the recruiter is telling you something wrong in terms of what needs to be done first, politely correct him. Mdensos list is a great start.

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