bell206driver Posted January 19, 2012 Posted January 19, 2012 Sorry if this thread has been started before but I wanted to get some opinions. Gentex vs Gallet? I have priced out a Gentex at $2,100 and a Gallet at $2,500. I have read that several people say the Gallet is way more comfortable than the Gentex. Is it $400 for comfortable? Does anyone have an opinion on ANR in these helmets flying two bladed machines? Gallet does not recommend it but I have flown for years with Bose headsets and have never had a problem. Is there much of a difference between ANR in a helmet and a regular headset in a two bladed machine? Thanks! 1 Quote
Wally Posted January 19, 2012 Posted January 19, 2012 (edited) "I have read that several people say the Gallet is way more comfortable than the Gentex. Is it $400 for comfortable?" Yes.I have an 8 year old Gallet, the company has since moved to Gentex, and I occasionally use one as a spare. The Gallet is far, far and away more comfortable, right out of the box, whcih makes me wonder if I wasn't very lucky. Way better with NVGs and quieter than the SPHs.The Gallet isn't perfect. In the winter the padding stiffens in the cold and it's hard to get over my ears. The Gentex/SPH has a real advantage there, but once my Gallet is on it's much more comfortable, and the longer the flight the more so.The Gallet shows wear and requires service more often than the Gentex, so it's not a one time expense. The padding on the chin strap, the edge roll where my thumbs spread it to don it, and the ear cups show wear. I replace the chin strap every couple years, the edge roll and ear cups every 4, the materials are very soft so they wear. I'm about to eplace the whole lot, approx $245 with shipping.I like the helmet so much I'd probably consider the newest MSA LH350 if I could lay eyes on it... Edited January 19, 2012 by Wally Quote
gary-mike Posted January 19, 2012 Posted January 19, 2012 It seems like everybody that has had the chance to use the gallet likes it the best. The comparisons seem to always be between Gentex and Gallet though. I was curious how the Alph eagle compares, it looks nice, and is avertised at $1,683 on Aviation Survival's web site. I messed around and found it actuall ends up being over $1,800, but that is still a lot cheaper than a Gallet. Anyone have experience with the Alpha? Quote
TscottN Posted January 19, 2012 Posted January 19, 2012 I have a Alpha Eagle Helmet that cost me about $2000. It has ANR and a few other options as well. I like the helmet but I work with another pilot that has a Gallet. The Gallet seems much more streamlined, lighter and better made. Quite honestly, the Alpha seems more "toy-ish" in a sense when compared to the Gallet but it is still a amazing helmet compared to the Gentex SPH. My base supplies the Gentex SPH helmets and I just cannot seem to wear one of those helmets after wearing my Alpha. As far as the ANR is concerned, I do not know much about ANR in the Gallet, however I am glad I got it in the Alpha even though many people said I didn't need it. However, do not expect Bose quality ANR. The aftermarket ANR for helmets is just not the same, but it does the job well. Now as far as price is concerned, for me, $400 is a no brainer, If I am going to wear something on my head while flying for a living, I want the best and I am willing to pay for it. It's a matter of opinion and everyone has their own, but for me, a $2000 Alpha Eagle was worth it over the $1500 model. I used to tell my students, buy the best headset you can afford since you will be wearing it for many years. Now many people will say, "Well, price doesn't always equal quality" I believe this to be true in many areas, however not in the headset and helmet market. I have found a distinct difference between $800 and $1000 headsets and I see that same distinction in the helmet market as well. Hope this helps. Quote
aeroscout Posted January 19, 2012 Posted January 19, 2012 Many people who buy david clarke headsets never accomplish even the smallest advance into an aviation career. Quote
gary-mike Posted January 19, 2012 Posted January 19, 2012 Many people who buy david clarke headsets never accomplish even the smallest advance into an aviation career. huh? Hopefully I missed just missed the intended sarcasm. Quote
aeroscout Posted January 19, 2012 Posted January 19, 2012 My point is, until you are well on your way to a career as a pilot, should you even consider a top of the line product. As for david clarkes, if you go rotary, and more often then not end up wearing a helmet, it was money poorly spent. I went to CFI school with a guy who owned an FBO, was getting his CFI, and had a David Clarke dealership. He confided that he all but twisted new students arms to buy them, so he could pocket the profit. Many of his students fell by the wayside. Now all they have is an expensive paperweight. I hope no one is offended about how I dislike taking advantage of starry eyed newcomers to the industry. Quote
gary-mike Posted January 19, 2012 Posted January 19, 2012 (edited) Thanks for the clarification. I see your point, you might as well start out with something you can use througout your career. It is something I will be considdering as my tax returns arive. I have to admit, I already purchased a DC headset. I got a great deal on it though, and I think it will be alright for hour long flights until I get a helmet. At least, if I go with a helmet, and don't have to stomach the thought that I spent $900 for a lightspeed zulu paper weight. Oh yeah, thanks for watching out for us starry eyed newbies. There are plenty people out there that are trying to take advantage of us. Edited January 19, 2012 by gary-mike Quote
DynamicallyUnstable Posted January 20, 2012 Posted January 20, 2012 To answer the OP's question...I use a company issued Gentex and I have no complaints. The only time it ever gets uncomfortable is if I do a longer flight with NVG's attached. I haven't flown with anything else (had a Gentex prior as well) so I couldn't give you a lot of advice between the two. I replied because I wanted to point out the leather ear cups you can get for the Gentex. They make a HUGE difference in comfort and sound dampening. I will never use crappy gel cups again.I have a friend that just bought a Gallet not too long ago and he says it is way more comfortable than the Gentex. Some of my co-workers use the Gallet as well (used to be company issued) and they say that the only dislike is the smudges that end up on the visors because of the way they are deployed.As far as the headset thing goes. I always recommend buying a good headset. It might be the straw that keeps you motivated! LOL I bought a Bose after my first intro flight. I knew I was going to be flying. Now, I haven't used it in years but I did buy a F/W cord for it so I can use it when I get around to adding on my FW rating.Just my .02 Quote
lelebebbel Posted January 20, 2012 Posted January 20, 2012 Sorry if this thread has been started before but I wanted to get some opinions. Gentex vs Gallet? I have priced out a Gentex at $2,100 and a Gallet at $2,500. I have read that several people say the Gallet is way more comfortable than the Gentex. Is it $400 for comfortable? Does anyone have an opinion on ANR in these helmets flying two bladed machines? Gallet does not recommend it but I have flown for years with Bose headsets and have never had a problem. Is there much of a difference between ANR in a helmet and a regular headset in a two bladed machine? Thanks! I've had the opportunity to try the three most common models (Gentex SPH4 light, Alpha 900, Gallet 250) and found the Gallets to be the most comfortable. I own a LH050 now, which is pretty much identical to the LH250 minus the outer visor. YMMV, everyones head is different. The 9V ANR units that you can buy with these helmets are not worth the money. They work, but not anywhere near as good as a Bose or Lightspeed headset. And they chew through expensive 9V batteries every 10-15hrs, which gets really annoying. Also, no auto-shutoff, so the battery will go flat over night if you forget to turn the unit off after a flight. My Gallet with regular earcups is quieter than a normal DC 13.4 headset. I'd recommend helmet CEPs if you want more protection. Quote
TscottN Posted January 20, 2012 Posted January 20, 2012 I've had the opportunity to try the three most common models (Gentex SPH4 light, Alpha 900, Gallet 250) and found the Gallets to be the most comfortable. I own a LH050 now, which is pretty much identical to the LH250 minus the outer visor. YMMV, everyones head is different. The 9V ANR units that you can buy with these helmets are not worth the money. They work, but not anywhere near as good as a Bose or Lightspeed headset. And they chew through expensive 9V batteries every 10-15hrs, which gets really annoying. Also, no auto-shutoff, so the battery will go flat over night if you forget to turn the unit off after a flight. My Gallet with regular earcups is quieter than a normal DC 13.4 headset. I'd recommend helmet CEPs if you want more protection. Actually, my ANR system in my Alpha 900 DOES have auto-shut off and the 9v battery actually lasts just as long as my Bose batteries. However, like I said in my post above, the ANR is not as quiet as the Bose system. However, I do notice a signifigant difference between noise reduction when I shut off my ANR system in my helmet, so I am glad I did go for the extra dough! Quote
Gunner Posted January 20, 2012 Posted January 20, 2012 I fly an HGU-56. It only became comfortable after the Oregon Aero upgrades.... I used to be a firm believer in ANR for all things. I still fly Lightspeeds in my personal fixed wing aircraft. My issued HGU-56 came with CEP plugs. Tried them for a bit but the foam tips would come out sometime during the flight. I went to Oshkosh this year and there was a vendor selling custom ear plugs for CEP's. I took the risk and spent 250 bucks... Best money I have ever spent. I fly a 407 and a 429 and with the helmet and custom CEP's it is quieter than with a Bose or Lightspeed. I would encourage folks to look at this because it also provides excellent hearing protection... Topic is about Helmets... I prefer Gallet! Quote
lelebebbel Posted January 21, 2012 Posted January 21, 2012 Actually, my ANR system in my Alpha 900 DOES have auto-shut off and the 9v battery actually lasts just as long as my Bose batteries. However, like I said in my post above, the ANR is not as quiet as the Bose system. However, I do notice a signifigant difference between noise reduction when I shut off my ANR system in my helmet, so I am glad I did go for the extra dough!Interesting - you must have a newer version of the ANR box, or maybe alpha is using a different model these days. I know a few people who got Gallets with ANR, and they are pretty bad for the money. I had a student with a new LH250 with ANR, he was using Duracell 9V batteries and they were always flat in 10-15hrs. Another guy with a Gentex had the same problem.I was under the impression that all these helmets come with the same ANR box. Quote
Whistlerpilot Posted January 21, 2012 Posted January 21, 2012 I just started a new job with a company that requires helmets. My Gentex needed a little TLC so I sent it to for some repairs. Had a volume switch installed, new grey visor, and added ANR. So far I like the ANR but have only flown 7 hours so can't say how long the 9V battery lasts. I hear the machine just fine with the ANR, can hear the fan come on and off in the Astar. Wish I had bought a Gallet originally, will upgrade at some point but the Gentex works just fine. I have a Zulu headset and have wondered if the ear cups and electronics could be retrofitted into a Gentex? Has anyone heard of this mod? Quote
THE_COYOTE Posted January 21, 2012 Posted January 21, 2012 I use a HGU 84, it wasn't very comfortable when I bought it. I put all of the Oregon Aero kit stuff in it and now I love it. I fly a lot of vertical refernce and the low profile lets you get in and out of the bubble much easier. To clarify I also use the bungee visor to make it low profile. I use CEPs for hearing protection as I fly a very loud helicopter, the CEPS also took a little modifying as well. Hope that helps. Quote
SBuzzkill Posted January 22, 2012 Posted January 22, 2012 All you guys who are having issues with your CEPs: Have you contacted CEP directly and spoken to them about your issues? I had a chance to tour their factory when I was in ALSE school and they were curious to hear what sort of problems we were having with our CEPs. They were pretty helpful dealing with fitment issues and they've modified their product a few times lately trying to work out things that pilots have brought to their attention. Quote
THE_COYOTE Posted January 23, 2012 Posted January 23, 2012 Yeah, my biggest issue was the ear plugs. I just made my own instead. They are a great company to deal with though. Quote
palmfish Posted January 23, 2012 Posted January 23, 2012 I started using Comply tips with my CEPs. They have a "large" size that doesn't get loose or fall out. The memory foam they use is very comfortable. Since I discovered them, I haven't touched my custom molds. Quote
Tarantula Posted January 23, 2012 Posted January 23, 2012 (edited) Palm, I'm looking at the comply site but I can't find what "brand" the CEP style buds are under. Did you buy direct from comply or a 3rd party? Edit: Just found it. These look good, thanks! Edited January 23, 2012 by Tarantula Quote
B-Hill Posted January 26, 2012 Posted January 26, 2012 I use a Gallet LH250 and i'm VERY happy with it. The long flights at night with the NVGs, the Gallet really is nice! Quote
Spike Posted January 26, 2012 Posted January 26, 2012 Ditto to B-Hill…. LH250 with the Zeta liner, straight cord and CEP’s. Although, I too have issue’s with the CEP ear tips. Foam was uncomfortable and the Etymotic ER38-18’s fall out too easily. Was considering the custom mold until Palm made his comment… Searching…… Quote
Whistlerpilot Posted January 30, 2012 Posted January 30, 2012 Has anyone here seen the new LH350 Gallet. It looks pretty nice. Quote
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