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Helicopter Schools, FL or HI????

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I'm in the process of getting ready to choose a helicopter school and need a little help. I want to make sure I can get the best training possible but I will not sacrifice warm weather. I'm wanting to do the whole process, if possible all the way up to external load training.


I've looked at Mauna Loa Helicopters in Hawaii and also was checking out some schools in Flordia. Does anybody know any good Schools in Flordia? If so do you have personal experience at that school? Do they offer job placement as a flight instructor?


Is there anybody that knows about any of the Hawaii flight schools like Mauna Loa? Is it a good school?


Any information would help and be much appreciated, it's a bit overwhelming.



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  • 2 weeks later...

The problem is, your experience at a particular flight school is largely dependent on who your CFI was. Since CFIs come and go so often, two people can go to the same school and have very different experiences (especially if one got hired and the other didn't due simlpy to bad timing)!


If you're in Florida, you may as well try Boatpix, at least there you'll (supposedly) get free housing and a guarunteed job,...supposedly?

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Bristow Academy in Florida is a good school. Went there, worked there. No school will offer you a flight position from the get go, beside Boatprix but that doesn't mean they are better.


I hope you are ready to sacrifice warm weather for your career because it ain't always going to be sunshine and glamour!

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Bristow Academy in Florida is a good school. Went there, worked there. No school will offer you a flight position from the get go, beside Boatprix but that doesn't mean they are better.


I hope you are ready to sacrifice warm weather for your career because it ain't always going to be sunshine and glamour!


I WANT the bad weather! Well, bad-ish. Warm sunny weather is great, but flying in less than perfect conditions help you become a better pilot, at least they do for me. Today was a good example of that, winds were going crazy. Instructor asked what I wanted to do. Look at METAR, look at TAF... in my head "variable 14 gusting to 22?!" Well Mr instructor man, due to the crazy winds I think it would be a waste of time to go try to learn new maneuvers, and there is enough going on in an auto to shoot 180's in those winds, so lets stick to the pattern and do some run on landings, we haven't done too many of those and if we stick close to the airport, we won't have to fight with nutty winds nor take as long to get back on the ground. A 1.4 with the potential to be a demoralizing flight turned into a 0.8 that was a great flight.


And that's exactly what we did. It was a good flight. Go tossed around by winds and up/down drafts and I gained a lot more confidence with run ons.


Once I pass this check ride, I'll be more than happy to do more in those crazy winds, but in my opinion, it was a good "PIC" call by me. haha


As far as ACTUAL weather, I'd be more than happy to fly in it if it ever showed up, just to get the experience in it.

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The core of this business is based on sacrifice. Therefore, you should sacrifice your warm weather requirement for the best school which provides a high probability for employment. However, whatever the case may be, be sure to research more thoroughly. It would appear you are only scratching the surface…..


One thing to consider. One of the most important elements of this business is networking i.e. getting to know people in the industry. Therefore, like real estate, location, location, location. Wherever you choose, be sure it’s somewhat near civilization with plenty of helicopters buzzing around…..

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The problem is, your experience at a particular flight school is largely dependent on who your CFI was. Since CFIs come and go so often, two people can go to the same school and have very different experiences (especially if one got hired and the other didn't due simlpy to bad timing)!


If you're in Florida, you may as well try Boatpix, at least there you'll (supposedly) get free housing and a guarunteed job,...supposedly?

Definitely agree that its the most important that you have an good CFI and that you work well with that person. If its not working with the one you have, its your money, request a different instructor.


Boatpix will not make you the best pilot. But you are guaranteed a job for like 300 hrs of instruction. Then usually get the boot as far as i know...which is not enough to get you all the way.

Edited by monkey
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why not sacrafice warm weather? you plan on getting a job flying heli in good weather always? not going to happen...go to a school with 4 seasons( winter, spring, ect) mountainous terrain( you need to learn to fly in high d.a) you cant learn anything in good weather all the time!!

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why not sacrafice warm weather? you plan on getting a job flying heli in good weather always? not going to happen...go to a school with 4 seasons( winter, spring, ect) mountainous terrain( you need to learn to fly in high d.a) you cant learn anything in good weather all the time!!


Why not enjoy the warm weather why you can?


It's like only dating fat chicks because if you marry a skinny one, she's gonna get fat anyways.


I say enjoy the nice stuff while you can ;-)

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well to each there own i guess...but i flew with a guy from a warm weather school, he was a commercial pilot that scared me to death...he never been in the snow, rains, winds that were gusting, mountains, poor visibility...all with in 10 min of each other. i think it scared him so bad....i doubt he is still flying. he couldnt finnish the flight! but if you know where there is a place you can fly thats perfect all the time (as a professinal pilot....miller 9091 wants to be) let me know....ill go too! in my opinion learning to fly in the crap from the start only helps you become a better pilot....so when the nice days come....you really appreciate them!

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  • 1 month later...

I put this response in elsewhere but here goes again....




I trained at Mauna Loa Helicopters from 2010 to 2011 and i have plenty of information for you. I am now flying in China in AS350 B3 and soon to arrive R22 / R44 for our new flight school.


I have photos of Mauna Loa Helicopters , the flights that you do, accommodation - and can help you with some information on getting the most out of the school, living in Hawaii, which islands to train on, some advice on training and even some contact information for after you finish the program.

MLH do hire many of their graduates - and this is one of the ways to build time for that first job in the real world.


Please contact me directly at pilotheath@gmail.com for more information.


Happy to help you.



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  • 1 year later...

First off I would like to thank everybody for all the information they provided and let you guys know it definitely gives me a better understanding of what's in store for me and just helps to gain as much info as possible on the subject.



I do agree with you eagle5 that it depends on the CFI training me and will be sure to choose wisely and the one that fits my needs best.



I also agree with, ridethisbike, the weather situation and understand that training in the worse conditions will only make me a better pilot and prepare me for the worst. My only problem is I live somewhere where we have four seasons and I'm not a huge fan of the winter. Even with that being said I'm willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to become a topnotch pilot, even if that means going somewhere cold but in the mean time I'm going to stick with the warm weather and the school I think is the best.



Dan I would like to thank you to for all the info you've given me about Mauna Loa and must say the school seems impressive and I can't wait to start. I've looked up everything I could find out about the school and must say I have not found one bad review. I've also talked to several staff members and must say I love the way they handle there business, very professional and always on point when it comes to questions.



I wanted to give everybody an update and let you know I've decided to attend Mauna Loa Helicopters on The Big Island. I'll be starting November, 2013 and will be sure to keep everybody updated on how it goes. After my training I'm hoping to get a job with the school but if not I'll just have to see where it goes.


Thanks Again Everybody, much Appreciated.


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I wanted to give everybody an update and let you know I've decided to attend Mauna Loa Helicopters on The Big Island. I'll be starting November, 2013 and will be sure to keep everybody updated on how it goes. After my training I'm hoping to get a job with the school but if not I'll just have to see where it goes.


Good choice. Tell that ex-airline "Guy" I said hello........

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