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Not the Usual Qualifications?


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If the position is unpaid/voluntary, how could they pay you any *less*?

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I'm not trying to start an argument at all. I responded to a statement that all are born with moral codes from God. What a perfect explanation then, for those who take to maiming and killing. I've been shot at, rocketed, mortared, beat up, stabbed, and otherwise loved by those moral compasses for more than a few years.


Perhaps more simply put, cut the crap. Is the moral compass only issued to Christians, and are muslims exempt, or is it just the radical ones? Perhaps only select people are given this moral code? How about those without knowledge of the bible?


This is an aviation forum. Not a proselyting forum. Not really the place for bible thumping, you see.

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I agree, I was just offering a suggestion to what he stated, it is up to you to chose what you think is right. It doesn't bother me one bit what others chose to believe. I have friends that are Christian, Atheist and some that study Buddhism. I enjoy learning about all point of views before I jump to conclusions. Again this is a helicopter forum and I stated before I will not offer my opinion about religion again on this public forum, so I will leave it up to you to answer your own questions. If you really want to know my "point of view" on those questions feel free to PM me. And again avbug have a good holiday!

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