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The Importance of Networking

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So, just how many members are there here on VR who aren't anonymous, and therefore not irrelevant?


Just to be clear, the anonymous people themselves are not irrelevant. People matter. But it's the posts of anonymous members that are really irrelevant and lack authority. They serve (to me, anyway) as entertainment, kind of like a Fox News anchor pontificating on world affairs as if he/she had even the slightest clue about them. I mean, it's amusing and all, but...


People matter. In real life I know a couple of members who post on this board. They are good people...wonderful, enthusiastic pilots and I'm proud to have met them for they enrich my own life despite what negative influence I may have already had or will possibly have on them in the future. (One of them told me recently that from an outside perspective I might be coming off, "...kind of nutty." Ah, you gotta love friends who'll be honest with you. And I do.)


But it's true that this is just a silly internet discussion forum. Nobody had to fill out an application to post here...nobody had to list their qualifications. You sign up with a cutesy screenname and fire away like there's no tomorrow!


But...but...we're helicopter pilots (some of us)! We're supposed to be all SERIOUS and, you know, ADULTS. ...On an anonymous internet discussion forum where anybody can be anyone and I never know whether I'm reading the words of Mr. Chuck Yeager or little 16 year-old Chuckie Jaeger, sitting in his parent's darkened basement, wearing a Star Trek uniform, eating Cheetos and playing on his Xbox. For the most part, I assume that most of the people who post here truly are aviators of some sort, if not actual pilots and /or mechanics. But you never really know, do you?





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Sure, you can't weigh my experience against, say, your own, without at least knowing who I am, how long I've been doing thing, etc. Guys like Mike Franz, Dennis Pierce, and a few others who are known and respected don't have a veil of anonymity to hide behind (like I do). That definitely limits what kind of things they say. You can't just go shooting from the hip when your reputation is on the line.


Moreover, I do not expect anyone to blindly follow me or to believe anything that I say. In fact, it goes against my personal beliefs to do so. Take everything with a grain of salt, weigh it against what you know to be true, and fact check fact check fact check. You have no idea how much bogus information I have gotten off of some of these aviation websites over the last few years. There is a ton of garbage out there that you must sift through, up to and including any opinions I may have. Reader beware.


So, my response to your last statement directed at me is this: Does a face attached to the BS make it any more or less relevant? No. You just now have a face associated with said BS. Let the reader decide what they want to believe. If you want to hang your name out there on the clothesline to dry out, be my guest. I prefer to keep mine to myself. My identity and credentials would not lend any credence to my opinions about religion. Anything I say regarding helicopter operations can be weighed for value by the reader, and they can take it however they may. I, like you, really don't care. Well, maybe enough to keep arguing here, but that's just a time-killer anyway.

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I'll say this about networking......


It has been interesting for me to meet people that share my interest in flying in general and helicopters in particular both online with Facebook and through various events like Heli Expo. One of the more enjoyable things is to finally meet my Facebook friends in person. =)

The interesting thing is that I have met a lot of great people. Some of them have offered me some great advice and pointers. They've expanded my horizons as to various possibilities in the industry that I had not though about. Like looking into working for Flight Safety as a simulator maintenance technician. Not only a good company, but a place to meet a lot of industry people (expand my network) and possibly get some simulator flight time in more advanced aircraft than I would normally be exposed to as a low time, entry level commercial pilot that is still working towards his CFI/CFII.


At the same time I've met people that are "younger" in their flying career than me. It's always a bit surprising to me the simple little things that can be done to help someone out. Even if it's help with a training question. Always a rewarding experience to be able to help someone on their path like others have helped me.

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The internet provides absolutely zero credibility. A name provides only a name. Unless the name is connected to credible (confirmed) information, the information is hearsay and usually embellished (the handsome man theory) and thus unreliable...


Anonymous folks arrive with suspicion and thus required conformation. Short of that, opinions can’t be confirmed or denied so beyond that, it really doesn’t matter……


Besides, if anyone wants to know anyone, just ask (via PM). We’re (mostly) pilots here. It’s no secret. Pilots love to talk about themselves…..


Lastly, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand who can be trusted….

Edited by Spike
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Thank you Doctor Sheldon Cooper.

Ok boys & girls...back to the subject at hand.


I currently fly tours, a pilot job I got when someone I knew introduced me to someone he knew. Later, there was an opening and I got a phone call. Now there are two more openings so I called two pilots I knew....now the three of us are all flying. Meanwhile there is a stack of resumes sitting on the desk. They make for great scrap paper, please keep sending them in!

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Ok boys & girls...back to the subject at hand.


I currently fly tours, a pilot job I got when someone I knew introduced me to someone he knew. Later, there was an opening and I got a phone call. Now there are two more openings so I called two pilots I knew....now the three of us are all flying. Meanwhile there is a stack of resumes sitting on the desk. They make for great scrap paper, please keep sending them in!


So tell me, if those hundreds of pilots who sent you their resume, had met you at helisuccess, and were keeping in touch with you ever since, so you "knew" them all, how would you then choose which three to pick?

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So tell me, if those hundreds of pilots who sent you their resume, had met you at helisuccess, and were keeping in touch with you ever since, so you "knew" them all, how would you then choose which three to pick?


I met one of the new pilots here on VR, low time great guy. The other I met about two years ago volunteering at an event. The pilot opening was created in the first place because that pilot went to HeliSuccess, at my insistence, and a few months later got the call. He's off flying the ditch now. I called another friend of mine, (that I met here on VR 5 or 6 years ago), and asked her to watch over him. I meet a whole lot of pilots, I keep in touch with a few. Not sure I know anyone locally that's even looking for a pilot job right now, everyone I know is flying.


But it's funny how things happen. It really ain't rocket science.


Fred0311, feel free to email me anytime.

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I met one of the new pilots here on VR, low time great guy. The other I met about two years ago volunteering at an event. The pilot opening was created in the first place because that pilot went to HeliSuccess, at my insistence, and a few months later got the call. He's off flying the ditch now. I called another friend of mine, (that I met here on VR 5 or 6 years ago), and asked her to watch over him. I meet a whole lot of pilots, I keep in touch with a few. Not sure I know anyone locally that's even looking for a pilot job right now, everyone I know is flying.


But it's funny how things happen. It really ain't rocket science.


Fred0311, feel free to email me anytime.


That's swell, but I don't want to become anyone's friend just so I can get a job! Which is how it felt at helisuccess!


Good luck Fred.

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I think the conversations within this topic itself shows pilots exactly the importance of networking. Some pilots can ignore the BS and the back and forth and still offer to help out other pilots. Some guys get so caught up in their own stuff they aren't very useful for networking and others just want to stand back and watch the fireworks. It says a lot about the industry and the diversity of the people within it. You can network and make friends (and you certainly should) but it's not the same as using someone to get a job.


Regardless of personal or professional differences, I would gladly have lunch and meet anybody on here in person (in fact I did meet many people from VR and had lunch with them at HeliSuccess in Vegas) but there's a difference between those who I meet, those who I call acquaintances and those who I call friends. These are all networking, but some of those I wouldn't expect a job offer from, there are some that I wouldn't ask for advice or help. Some of my best friends in the world wouldn't get a job recommendation from me. It's not that I'm not willing to help them, they just aren't the right fit for a job.


So you can see the vast differences of people in this industry and you can meet them, but not everyone is the best to ask advice from, and it's true of any job industry. Networking in the sense of the word, meeting people and creating contacts and building professional relationships is ABSOLUTLY necessary for everyone, and it's impossible to advance through any career without it. If you need your old boss to give you a good review when you're trying for that next job and you know he will because you guys got along, that's networking. Regardless of what you call it.


So if you take anything away from this post let it be this: If you're near Kentucky/Indiana/Illinois/Ohio, give me a shout and we'll have lunch. I would like to meet you, even if you only have 20 hours, or if you have 20,000 hours. Because I would like to meet you, and it doesn't mean I'll be hassling you for a job in the future, and it doesn't mean that I'll be offering you a job, but it COULD, and that's the point.

Edited by zippiesdrainage
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zippiesdrainage post is about the best answer anyone will get on this particular thread. we should kill it now before it goes to far.

ZD/ if im ever around ur area ill PM you. you sound like an upstanding fellow

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Why oh why did someone have to dredge up the cherry drying thread ? I'm not certain, but I think someone else in this post referred to the fudging the logbook thread in a manner that cast aspersions. If I see that again I will make good on my threat to open a thread titled "Fudging the Logbook...Part Two"

I am pretty certain I saw Nightstalker post on this thread. To the best of my knowledge that is the first post since he threatened to be a lurker only. Since I strongly encouraged Nightstalker to remain in the brotherhood of posting members I am glad to see him back. Is that networking ?

iChris has an outstanding internet credibility. It is so outstanding some have looked for any excuse to attack or attempt to undermine it.

I have the internet credibility I want. I share my heartfelt opinions mostly in a humorous vein in all but one JH forum. The one that I don't I have exactly the credibility I want there. Almost without fail we get what we want. If you don't, maybe you aren't being honest with yourself with what you want. If you don't get what you want, change what you are doing in a fashion that will provably improve your chance of getting what you want.

NR isn't perfect as near as I can tell, in addition as near as I can tell he is more concerned with the everlasting.

To Avbug...You are wrong about christianity and how you apply your notions of networking. If you want me to I will explain, but Rick Warren can explain it a lot better in his book "the Purpose Driven Life". There is every chance you will become a better person if you read it. Not meant as a personal attack, we all have room to improve and become better persons.

Remember one thing God's wisdom is foolishness to man.

Don't get trapped in man's wisdom. It is fatally flawed.

Networking begets networking.

As for anonymity I have the highest regard for those who reveal their non virtual identities. I have the second highest regard for those who always reveal their virtual identities. I number myself as one of this group. I have little to no regard for those that post completely anonymously.

Great thread by the way, and in some way or another all the replies have been useful in one way or another.

PS How did this thread get to 6 pages before I got 1 word in edgewise ?


edit: PS

Edited by aeroscout
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Because you were too busy fudging your logbook!

I am currently consulting with my AME on allergies and addictions. We have narrowed the field to 2 overlaps, VR and fudge. I sure hope it isn't VR !

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