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Prior SOF

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Is there anyone that was prior SOF that has made the switch? If so, I was wondering how being a pilot compares, any regrets and basic pros and cons. I am contemplating dropping a WOFT packet but want to make an educated decision. Thank you in advance.

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Is there anyone that was prior SOF that has made the switch? If so, I was wondering how being a pilot compares, any regrets and basic pros and cons. I am contemplating dropping a WOFT packet but want to make an educated decision. Thank you in advance.

Send a PM to stearmann4. He's done it.

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I'm coming from MISOC haven't started the course yet though. Were you an 18 series?

I'm gonna guess he's a Combat Controller based on his screen name. ;)

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Maybe this is a dumb question, but can you not apply for flight school through the air force?


I know some people that were enlisted and picked up their commission and a flight slot in the air force.



I'm coming from MISOC haven't started the course yet though. Were you an 18 series?



Isn't that psy ops? I thought we had some guys from MISOC come through when i was in SERE

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Yes I could get my commission in the AF and Rey to get picked up for flight school, but I don't have a degree and by the time I had it I could already be operational as a Warrant. Also if I do decide to pursue this avenue I would rather not be a commissioned O over a WO for the simple fact if more time in the seat as a WO.

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Not really, but thanks for the input. To be honest a big part of me wants to fly but I still love my job and am finding it hard to make the decision to leave it. Becoming a pilot no matter the service I believe will be better for my family (since I'm gone around 270-300 days a year), better on my body, and ill have another skill after the military... It's just hard to leave the lifestyle, brotherhood, and all the extra perks. I just have the itch to fly.

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Not really, but thanks for the input. To be honest a big part of me wants to fly but I still love my job and am finding it hard to make the decision to leave it. Becoming a pilot no matter the service I believe will be better for my family (since I'm gone around 270-300 days a year), better on my body, and ill have another skill after the military... It's just hard to leave the lifestyle, brotherhood, and all the extra perks. I just have the itch to fly.

Well it doesn't hurt to apply and see if you get accepted. If you do then you can decide.

If not, no need to sweat it then.

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I wanted to do CCT for a while back when I was AD in the Air Force, but decided to halt my application process when I considered how much time i would be away. Part of me still wishes I would have kept it up and gotten all the training and experience. That pipeline is intense, and you truly earn that red beret, so I can see your hesitance to switch over. Just weigh the options. Perhaps you can get the 160th and regain that atmosphere again.


Either way, you got to go to Yuma for training that I'd give just about anything for. So you're already a step up.

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I wanted to do CCT for a while back when I was AD in the Air Force, but decided to halt my application process when I considered how much time i would be away. Part of me still wishes I would have kept it up and gotten all the training and experience. That pipeline is intense, and you truly earn that red beret, so I can see your hesitance to switch over. Just weigh the options. Perhaps you can get the 160th and regain that atmosphere again.

Either way, you got to go to Yuma for training that I'd give just about anything for. So you're already a step up.

Haha... Somewhat a step up. I won't be doing anymore MFF's or Diving in the Army. Where are you now since you were AD Air Force?

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I got out after my enlistment ended and moved back home to northern Virginia. Thought the civilian life would treat me well, but I've always been wired for the military. The closest i came to being happy as a civilian was as a police officer, and I don't want to do that anymore. Flying has always been my dream, so I'm gonna keep pecking at this WOFT packet until I get in. Waking up and either flying or even just working around planes/helos beats any other job (in my eyes).


As for the excitement and thrills that come from what would have been with CCT, I am now friends with a retired Force Recon Marine who was actually an instructor at Yuma, so I live vicariously through his stories as we sip on scotch, vodka or whatever alcohol is stocked up.


For your case, you really can't lose. To stay where you are is to have one of the most rewarding and honorable jobs out there. Just becoming an operator is admirable enough. I know it takes a toll. My best friend and roommate from the AF, his dad is a retired PJ and he has all kinds of looming injuries. If you switch to flying you still have an awesome gig. You may even be talking to some of your buddies if you fly an apache and drop some ordinance. Just figure out what works best OUTSIDE of the tasks you will be doing; i.e. family life, deployments, life after the military (though dont be in a hurry to be a civilian, it sucks). You'll figure it out.

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