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This is the dilemma. I am active duty Navy and I have recently been selected into active duty WOFT. While I was putting In my package I was advised to interview for the national guard as well. Turns out I was selected into both. My conditional release states that if I am selected for Army Warrant then I am good to leave the Navy. National guard says as soon as I swear into meps, I am part of the Guard. They simply call the Navy and have them change my EOS and they'll send me a DD214. Seems off. Anyone have any insight to this. I've searched high and low, and nobody seems to have gone from active to the guard. If this is even possible. I am waiting on my email from active duty, and from then I have ten days to make a decision.

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This is just my opinion, but I highly doubt the Navy is gonna care if you go Active Army or Guard. The Navy is losing you either way. It honestly SHOULD be as easy as they say, a phone call and a fax. Whether or not that actually will be the case is of course anyone's guess. If the guard is what you wanna do, go for it.

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Guard, you get your choice of airframe according to what your state has, and you get as much or more flight time once at your unit. Better maintenance, by full time technicians that have worked on that aircraft their whole carrier, and multiple AFTPs throughout the year. Additional Training Flight time throughout the week aside from drill time( weekends ).

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Sorry I won't be much help. I just wanted to say congratulations. However, from what I've read, it seems like NG is the way to go even though I am processing for AD. I was also processing for NG and had my board dates in August, while my AD board is in July. I'm no longer interested in my civilian job so that was an easy choice for me. I guess it just depends on what you want in both your military life and civilian life.

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I just did a "meet and greet" with the Guard unit I'm going to be applying to and I have to say I'm pretty stoked, though I'm trying not to count my chickens before they hatch. It's in the State I want to live in in a beautiful part of the country in a nice new facility, it's a dustoff unit which is the mission I want (After having been a grunt, I love those guys), they have some brand new 60Ms coming in, everyone there seemed very laid back, and when they aren't overseas they get real rescue missions in the local mountains, which I think sounds pretty cool. They also said that there was ample opportunity to fly more than your minimums, get school slots, etc.


If I didn't have a civilian career on the horizon, I'd probably go active though. I know from having been a reservist in the past that its not for those who hate their civilian life and want out.



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I just did a "meet and greet" with the Guard unit I'm going to be applying to and I have to say I'm pretty stoked, though I'm trying not to count my chickens before they hatch. It's in the State I want to live in in a beautiful part of the country in a nice new facility, it's a dustoff unit which is the mission I want (After having been a grunt, I love those guys), they have some brand new 60Ms coming in, everyone there seemed very laid back, and when they aren't overseas they get real rescue missions in the local mountains, which I think sounds pretty cool. They also said that there was ample opportunity to fly more than your minimums, get school slots, etc.


If I didn't have a civilian career on the horizon, I'd probably go active though. I know from having been a reservist in the past that its not for those who hate their civilian life and want out.




That sounds like it could lead to a career in civilian aviation (law enforcement/search and rescue). Good luck!

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