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Advice on LoRs

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I’m sure tons of people have already thought of this, but I’ll give advice for people looking to build a packet. Personally what I did was find the promotion list for CW3 153As and email each one of them on global. Definitely a time consuming processes, but nearly every warrant I contacted was helpful in some way. I eventually worked my way all the way up to a Command Chief Warrant Officer 5.  Of course this only applies to service members. Good luck to everyone thinking about building a packet it’s such a good feeling when you finally finish it. 

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6 hours ago, Patriot17 said:

Damn, had me excited for a second there. 

Any advice on how a civi would get his LoRs? who I would reach out to, and what would look good in my packet etc...


Definitely the easiest thing for you as a civilian would be to contact your local aviation unit. From what I’ve seen though solid character LoRs from people who really know you get the most bang for you buck. Yeah if you want to sprinkle in that LoR from a CW though I recommend contacting a local national guard or aviation unit. Good luck man!

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On 9/22/2020 at 12:08 AM, Patriot17 said:

Damn, had me excited for a second there. 

Any advice on how a civi would get his LoRs? who I would reach out to, and what would look good in my packet etc...


Find local aviation units and start calling. CWOs are pretty open to helping you out. Having a CWO look over your packet is vital... Also, send an email to your local Congressman asking for assistance. Thats a big LOR is you get one.

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35 minutes ago, Crash7051 said:

Find local aviation units and start calling. CWOs are pretty open to helping you out. Having a CWO look over your packet is vital... Also, send an email to your local Congressman asking for assistance. Thats a big LOR is you get one.

I haven't sat on a board but I don't think a letter form a Congressman would hold that much weight. I'd much rather see letters from employers, instructors, and warrant officers you've met with than what is essentially a form letter from a total stranger. Your average congressman knows nothing about the job or your qualifications to be selected for it.

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23 hours ago, Thedude said:

I haven't sat on a board but I don't think a letter form a Congressman would hold that much weight. I'd much rather see letters from employers, instructors, and warrant officers you've met with than what is essentially a form letter from a total stranger. Your average congressman knows nothing about the job or your qualifications to be selected for it.

Sure. Its just another option. Not everyone has access to an aviation unit, but everyone has a Congressman. I got one and it got me selected the second time around. The CWO4 who looked over my packet said it was big. Also, who's to say the CWO writing the LOR isn't a stranger? Mine was..... But, you're right, to each their own. Who knows what will essentially get someone selected.... But the fancy Congress letterhead looks super cool 🤪

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